Whoever has no house now will establish none,whoever lives alone now will live on long alone.Will waken,read,and write long letters,wander up and down the barren paths .The parks expose when the leaves are blown. by Rainer Marie Rilke. |
中文意思: 谁此时没有房子,就不必建造;谁此时孤独,就永远孤独.就醒来,读书,写长长的信.在林荫路上不停地徘徊.落叶纷飞.<秋日>里克尔. |
Whoever forges or alters the signature or other particulars recorded on an instrument shall bear legal responsibility.
伪造、变造票据上的签章和其他记载事项的,应当承担法律责任。 |
Whoever gets the most votes wins the election.
其他回答1.谁得的选票最多,谁就在这次选举中胜出。 |
Whoever has Venus not well posited; within the rays of Mars, unfortunate, will assuredly suffer a world of mischief and troubles by means of love.
金星位置不佳,与火星有相位,且状态不良,命主将苦于爱情或性。 |
Whoever has been much accustomed to visit such manufactures must frequently have been shown very pretty machines, which were the inventions of such workmen in order to facilitate and quicken their particular part of the work.
不论是谁,只要他常去观察制造厂,他一定会看到极象样的机械,这些机械是普通工人为了要使他们担当的那部分工作容易迅速地完成而发明出来的。 |
Whoever has had the luck to experience one can alone judge of my situation.
凡有幸度过这样一天的人,都能体会我现在的处境。 |
Whoever has no house now will establish none,whoever lives alone now will live on long alone.Will waken,read,and write long letters,wander up and down the barren paths .The parks expose when the leaves are blown. by Rainer Marie Rilke.
谁此时没有房子,就不必建造;谁此时孤独,就永远孤独.就醒来,读书,写长长的信.在林荫路上不停地徘徊.落叶纷飞.<秋日>里克尔. |
Whoever has no such necessary activities will not subsist.
即无论什么人,如果离开这些“必需活动”都将无法生存。 |
Whoever heard of such a thing!
谁听说过这种事! |
Whoever illegally cuts down and appropriates a huge amount of forest trees shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with Article 152 of the Criminal Law.
盗伐林木据为已有,数额巨大的,依照《刑法》第一百五十二条的规定追究刑事责任。 |
Whoever illegally cuts down or denudes forest and other woodlands, if the circumstances areserious,shallbe investigated forcriminal responsibility in accordance with Article 128 of the Criminal Law.
盗伐、滥伐森林或者其他林木,情节严重的,依照《刑法》第一百二十八条的规定追究刑事责任。 |
Whoever incites others by spreading rumors or slanders or any other means to subvert the State power or overthrow the socialist system shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years, criminal detention, public surveillance or de
以造谣、诽谤或者其他方式煽动颠覆国家政权、推翻社会主义制度的,处五年以下有期徒刑、拘役、管制或者剥夺政治权利;首要分子或者罪行重大的,处五年以上有期徒刑。 |