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    Click OK. The screen should close fairly quickly; if it hangs, you probably aren't connected properly.

    中文: 点击确定。当前对话框很快关闭;如果不是,你大概不能正常的连接。 更详细进入...
    Do not deprive the alien or the fatherless of justice, or take the cloak of the widow as a pledge.

    中文: 17你不可向寄居的和孤儿、屈枉正直、也不可拿寡妇的衣裳作当头。 更详细进入...
    Do right and fear no man.

    中文: 行得正,不怕人(脚正不怕鞋歪)。 更详细进入...
    But as he had eaten up the dowry which she had originally brought with her, he was puzzled as to how to disembarrass himself of her without making restitution.

    中文: 正在找借口甩掉她,不过因为吃光了她当初带来的嫁妆,他现在正苦于找不到既不赔钱又能摆脱她的方法。 更详细进入...
    Actions that are not legally authorized are frequently called “illegitimate” whereas actions that are lawful are sometimes seen as legitimate for that reason.

    中文: 正是基于这个原因,我们常常把未经法律授权的行为叫做“不正当”,而合法的行为则常常被认为是正当的。 更详细进入...
    When you invoke the Delete command, not only will it not actually delete anything, but it doesn't even send the command to the server.

    中文: 当你调用删除命令,它不但不会真正删除任何东西,而且也不会送命令给服务器。 更详细进入...
    If justifiable defence exceeds the limits of necessity and undue harm is caused, an appropriate amount of civil liability shall be borne.

    中文: 正当防卫超过必要的限度,造成不应有的损害的,应当承担适当的民事责任。 更详细进入...
    The distinction between normative and sociological legitimacy is important, but, by itself, it doesn't get us very far.

    中文: 规范性正当性与社会学正当性的区分确实相当重要,但我们并不需要单独把这个问题拿出来深入探讨。 更详细进入...
    It will flex its shaft if the club face is in its wrong position or if the golfers swings the club improperly.

    中文: 在整个挥杆的过程中,如果杆面不正确或力度不当,杆身会马上折曲。 更详细进入...
    A consultable standard is needed while applying the legal circumstances stipulated in the penal code.

    中文: 量刑的公正应当体现在不同个案的相互比较中。 更详细进入...
    As he almost worn out, he found an antiquated cabin.

    中文: 正当快撑不住时,突然,他发现了一幢废弃的小屋。 更详细进入...
    Let's take a look at four different notions of legitimacy.

    中文: 下面我们就来看看关于“正当性”的四种不同观念。 更详细进入...
    So we should advocate genuine scientific spirit, but not the traitorous spirit.

    中文: 我们应当崇尚真正的科学精神,而不是汉奸科学。 更详细进入...
    The words in the article were circumflected improperly, causing them to be incorrectly pronounced.

    中文: 文章中的词被不适当地加上抑扬顿挫的符号,造成被不正确地发音。 更详细进入...
    Do not lob the ball when you are moving forward.

    中文: 当你正在向前地移动的时候,不打高吊而慢的球。 更详细进入...
    When RO device does not work normally, for example, outlet water amount is not normal, outlet water quality turns bad, or other phenomena occur, the device must be overhauled.

    中文: 当反渗透设备出现运行不正常,如出水水量不正常、出水水质变差等现象时,须进行设备检修。 更详细进入...
    But when the old man left the palace, Arakawa secretly followed him,-hoping for a chance to get the picture by foul means.

    中文: 但是当果正居士离开宫殿时,荒川秘密尾随他──希望能有机会已不正当的手段得到那字画。 更详细进入...
    The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing in the right place but to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.

    中文: 讲话的真正艺术不仅是在适当的场合讲适当的话,而且要在最诱人的时刻不要讲错误的话。 更详细进入...
    You shall not pervert the justice due an alien or an orphan, nor take a widow's garment in pledge.

    中文: 申24:17你不可向寄居的和孤儿、屈枉正直、也不可拿寡妇的衣裳作当头。 更详细进入...
    Ill-gotten wealth is like a palace built on the sand.

    中文: 以不正当的手段获取财富,犹如将宫殿建在沙土上。 更详细进入...

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