The words borrowed from Old Chinese with cluster initials would split into two syllables in Korean, and the final of the second syllable would be lost as a result of reduction.
摘要上古汉语带复辅音声母的词,借到朝鲜语中往往拆成两个音节,而且后一个音节在弱化的过程中失去韵母,与前一个音节结合成一个闭音节。 |
The words denote color in Chinese and English have substantial meanings, but because of cultural difference, different nationalities have different understandings.
在英汉语言中,表示颜色的词丰富多彩,由于文化差异,不同民族对颜色词的理解也不同。 |
The words drew down his anger.
言语激怒了他。 |
The words find their form.
语句自行找到适合它们的形式。 |
The words formed through this way are more lifelikeness, indicating not only the conception meaning, but also more comprehensive meaning.
从而,我们也可以发现,修辞不仅是一种提高语言表达效果的重要手段,而且也是一种重要的造词方式,是与词汇系统的发展相适应的。 |
The words in the article were circumflected improperly, causing them to be incorrectly pronounced.
文章中的词被不适当地加上抑扬顿挫的符号,造成被不正确地发音。 |
The words in the definition are roman /are set in roman type.
本定义中的英文字使用的是罗马字体. |
The words in the dictionary are arranged in alphabetical order.
词典中的词是按字母顺序排列的. |
The words of Amos, one of the shepherds of Tekoa-what he saw concerning Israel two years before the earthquake, when Uzziah was king of Judah and Jeroboam son of Jehoash [1] was king of Israel.
当犹大王乌西雅,以色列王约阿施的儿子耶罗波安在位的时候,大地震前二年,提哥亚牧人中的阿摩司得默示论以色列。 |
The words of Episcopal-Anglican liturgy are long pondered, plain and beautifully phrased, and they early gave me a sense of how a moved and heightened English should sound.
圣公会礼拜仪式的祷辞出于沉思,归于翰藻,早早令我感受到动情的、高尚的英语听起来是什么样的。 |
The words of Nathan Hale, an American hero and Yale alumnus, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country,” have also inspired me and many other Chinese.
美国民族英雄内森·黑尔是耶鲁的校友,他名言“我唯一的憾事,就是没有第二次生命献给我的祖国”,深深的感染了我和许多中国人! |