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As he almost worn out, he found an antiquated cabin.

As has been mentioned, self-denigration has been at the core of the Chinese noton of politeness for over two thousand years, the Chinese in order to show modesty will go to such lengths as to underrate what he himself has achieved and deny the truth of a 正如所提到的,自贬是两千年来中国人表现礼貌的观念,中国人为了表现谦虚会极力地贬低自我所取得的成就并否认别人赞美的真相。
As has been reported, China's new labour contract law covers a broad range of issues, such as contents of labour contract, collective contracts and compensations; however, ITS implementation and impact on HR and CSR issues is not yet clear to most busines 新法自起草以来因牵涉到了多方的利益而引起了各行各业的广泛关注,但新法的将如何实施、新法将对企业的人力资源管理产生如何的影响、新法将对中国社会责任发展起到什么作用等等问题对于很多企业而言仍然未明。
As has been said, the development of the Surrey suburbs took place in the 20th Century. 就像我已经说的,萨里郡的小区都是在20世纪兴建起来的。
As has been widely reported in the press, there were some internal disagreements over what the team would work on next. 正如报章杂志广泛报道的那样,这个团队对于下一步的工作产生了内部分歧。
As having diligently disclosed in the Prospectus of our recent Initial Public Offering, we believe there are at least 38 ways of saying Iin Chinese. 具有刻苦披露的招股说明书我们最近首次公开募股,我们相信,至少有38个方面的话说,我字.
As he almost worn out, he found an antiquated cabin. 正当快撑不住时,突然,他发现了一幢废弃的小屋。
As he already knew French, he gained an advantage aver the rest of the class. 因为他已经接法语,所以他比班上其他人占优势。
As he approaches his fifth international tournament with England, the defender has heard it all before — the same heady optimism, punctured by the same sense of panic when a leading player picks up an untimely injury, and the same old excuses when he and 他将要代表国家队参加第五次世界大赛,这位后卫已经习惯了一切——同样的乐观,以及当核心球员不合时宜的受伤之后的同样的恐慌,还有还有在球队止步于1/4决赛或者那附近时的相似的借口。
As he bathed in the glory of being a super-duke, the state of Wu was actually weakening. 传说不尽可靠,但胜利后的夫差的确耽于享乐,并且四处发动战争。
As he became acquainted with American politics , however , he realized you have to work hard to keep a* of changing values to truly understand how absurdly controversial this issue has become. 但是,当他了解美国政治之后,他认识到得下很大的工夫才能一直了解不断变化着的价值观念,真正理解关于这个问题的争议是多么的荒唐可笑。
As he began to earn more and more money, his personality became more and more egotistic. 他的钱越赚越多时,他的个性也变得越来越自负。

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