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    In the nineteenth century, developments in antisepsis, blood transfusion and anaesthesia made plastic surgery safer and less painful.

    中文: 到了十九世纪,消毒、输血和麻醉技术的发展让美容整形手术更加安全,也更少疼痛。 更详细进入...
    1942 The world′s first nuclear chain reaction took place at the University of Chicago, under physicists Enrico Fermi and Arthur Compton.

    中文: 物理学家恩里科·费米和阿瑟·康普顿在芝加哥大学进行了世界第一次原子弹核连锁反应。 更详细进入...
    Even Japan, which never lost its independence, was run by General MacArthur in the years after World War II.

    中文: 即使是日本,它虽从未丧失过独立,但在第二次世界大战后也被麦克阿瑟将军管理过多年。 更详细进入...
    Long-term injury absentee Alan Smith wants to help United's title charge, starting with a substitute appearance against Spurs this weekend.

    中文: 久伤复出的阿兰.史密斯将帮助曼联夺取冠军,并且有望在本周对阵热刺时以替补身份登场。 更详细进入...
    Whether the small print of yesterday's decision is enough to save the WTO from the disapprobation of red-state America remains to be seen.

    中文: 上周四裁决的内容是否足以令世贸组织免受共和党掌权的美国非难,这尚未可知。 更详细进入...
    And Jehovah said to me, What do you see, Amos?

    中文: 8耶和华对我说,阿摩司阿,你看见什么? 更详细进入...
    How Aladdin and Abu got out of the cave?

    中文: 阿拉丁和阿布是怎么逃出那个岩洞的? 更详细进入...
    Mr. Adie: Hello, This is Adib from the Water Supply Company.

    中文: 阿迪先生:你好,我是自来水公司的阿迪。 更详细进入...
    My bowels, my bowels; I am writhing.

    中文: 19我的心肠阿,我的心肠阿,我翻腾绞痛。 更详细进入...
    But Arsenal went up to Old Trafford and played some good stuff. I was watching the game that day and they passed the ball well and deserved the win.

    中文: “但阿森纳做客老特拉福德时踢得很好。那天我看了比赛,他们传球组织很好,也应该取得胜利。” 更详细进入...
    After the World Cup qualifying matches in June Argentina finished runners-up to Adriano\'s Brazil in the Copa America in July, then won Olympic gold by beating Gamarra\'s Paraguay in August.

    中文: 他参加了阿根廷6月的世界杯外围赛、7月的美洲杯上败于阿德所在的巴西获得了亚军,然后在8月的奥运会上击败了巴拉圭最终赢得了奥运会金牌。 更详细进入...
    This product has been designed to give you performance, comfort and style. for over 50 years world-class athletes have been relying on adidas to meet their training and competition needs.

    中文: 阿迪达斯这一种产品已被设计出其独有的特点和表现,超过50年之久的历史,许多著名的世界级运动员已经仰赖阿迪达斯符合他们的训练和竟争需要. 更详细进入...
    “If you have at home in the garage one Bentley and one Aston Martin, if you go every day to work in the Bentley for six months and leave the Aston Martin in the garage, you are not very clever.

    中文: “如果你家里车库停着一辆宾利和一辆阿斯顿·马丁(世界名车),如果你半年时间内都是开着宾利去上班,而把阿斯顿·马丁放车库里,这说明你不够聪明。 更详细进入...
    Daiwan's Civil Aviation bureau decided to reroute commercial flight paths around Daibag (Taipei)'s Siongsan (Songshan) airport to avoid the hazard to be posed by the tallest building in the world, the 101-story International Financial Center, which starte

    中文: 台员民航局今阿日决定欲改松山机场飞行机起落飞耶路线,倘好闪开台北国际金融大楼﹐今阿日下晡开始动工﹐一百孔一层﹐起好时会是全世界尚峘耶。 更详细进入...
    Comedy also flourished in the 5th century B.C . Its best writer was Aristophanes ,who has left eleven plays,including Frogs,Clouds,Wasps and Birds .

    中文: 公元前5世纪,古希腊喜剧也空前繁荣。阿里斯托芬被认为是最著名的古典讽刺戏剧作家,他有11部优秀戏剧留给后世,其中包括《蛙》、《云》、《蜂》和《鸟》等。 更详细进入...
    So far, the program has reached its tentative targets respectively in the development of standard of education contents, curricula, evaluation as well as teachers training.

    中文: 项目实施以来,在实验项目内容标准、案例、评价、教师培训等方面已取得了阶段性成果。 更详细进入...
    The couple chose the first name because it was unusual and the second after Gil Reyes, Agassi's bodyguard and best friend.

    中文: 夫妇二人为他取名杰登是因为它与众不同,他的姓则是随了阿加西的保镖兼密友吉尔-瑞伊斯。 更详细进入...
    The challenges of accommodating a wide-awake China will be huge. But they can - and must - be risen to.

    中文: 包容一个全面醒来的中国将面临许多重大挑战,但世界能够也必须接受这样的挑战。 更详细进入...
    Afghanistan's Mullah Mohammed Omar remains a mystery to his own people and the outside world seven years after his Taliban movement first shot to prominence.

    中文: 阿富汗的毛拉穆罕默德奥马尔对于同胞和世界来说仍旧是个迷,直到7年后塔利班的崛起。 更详细进入...
    Casino go-ers of the Aladdin Hotel &Casino in Las Vegas conceive the former baddest man on the planetsparring in the ring in the casino.

    中文: 在拉斯维加斯的阿拉丁酒店及赌场的赌徒们说可以看到前“全世界最坏的人”在这里打拳击。 更详细进入...

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