Afghanistan inaugurates its first popularly elected parliament in more than 3 decades, a major step toward democracy following the ouster of the hardline Taliban.
阿富汗举行了近三十多年来的首次公众议会选举,这是自强硬路线的塔利班夺取政权以来迈向民主的重要一步. |
Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries.
阿富汗是最贫穷的国家之一。 |
Afghanistan is, after all, within striking distance of the lucrative markets in the Gulf.
阿富汗地区毕竟在海湾地区也算是一个比较有利可图的市场。 |
Afghanistan proved the tougher nut to crack.
阿富汗实为更难克服的困难。 |
Afghanistan proved the tougher nut to crack. Mr.Gorbachev proposed to withdraw this troops over a12-month period, which the Americans took as a small concession, but he refused to set a date for the pullout to start, which disappointed the President and h
阿富汗实为更难克服的困难。戈尔巴乔夫提议用一年时间完成撤军(美国认为是一项小小的让步),但拒绝订定开始撤离的日期,令总统与他的幕僚感到失望。 |
Afghanistan's Mullah Mohammed Omar remains a mystery to his own people and the outside world seven years after his Taliban movement first shot to prominence.
阿富汗的毛拉穆罕默德奥马尔对于同胞和世界来说仍旧是个迷,直到7年后塔利班的崛起。 |
Afghanistan's children, in particular, girls and young women, need schools. Especially in rural regions outside Kabul.
阿富汗的儿童,特别是女童和年轻女性需要学校,特别是在喀布尔以外的农村地区。 |
Afghanistan's needs are clear: more troops for a NATO effort that has always been under-resourced and so depends on airstrikes that often kill civilians and make more enemies; more effort by the government to reach out to the remote Pushtun tribes who she
阿富汗政府现在需要什么是显而易见的:派遣更多军队来协助北约部队执行当前的任务,因为北约部队现在已经兵员不足而不得不更多依赖空袭,但空袭非常容易伤及无辜而树立新敌;政府加大力度与偏远地区为塔利班提供保护的普什图族部落进行沟通;政府内部减少腐败现象;以不威胁到农民生计的方式消灭罂粟种植业,因为只有这种能让各方接受的方式才不会让农民走投无路而投靠塔利班。 |
Afghanistan's vast mountain ranges capture enough rain water, but farmers manage to harness only 12-15% of it.
阿富汗的巨大山脉存下了充足的雨水,但农民们只能控制利用其中的12%到15%,剩下的部分都流进了南方的沙漠和周边国家。 |
Afghanistan, China (Guangdong), Greece, India, Iran, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam.
阿富汗、中国(广东)、希腊、印度、伊朗、尼泊尔、斯里兰卡、土耳其及越南。 |
Aflame with the fire of passion, the fire of aversion, the fire of delusion.
燃起了欲望之火、嗔怒之火、痴迷之火。 |