Poor people are increasingly at the mercy of money-lenders.
中文: 穷人越来越多受到放债者的支配。 更详细进入...
Put simply, human beings were getting smarter.
中文: 简而言之,人类正变得越来越聪明。 更详细进入...
She found the job less and less attractive.
中文: 她发觉那工作越来越缺乏吸引力. 更详细进入...
Since then, the air quality has only grown worse.
中文: 从那以后,那里空气质量越来越差。 更详细进入...
The governments showed growing impatience at the unions.
中文: 政府对工会表现得越来越不耐烦。 更详细进入...
The smaller the organization, the longer your prefix should be.
中文: 组织名越短,您的前缀就应该越长。 更详细进入...
These days you need to be very image-conscious.
中文: 现在人们越来越注意自己的形象。 更详细进入...
This loophole has allowed the burgeoning trade to develop.
中文: 这个漏洞使得象牙贸易越做越大。 更详细进入...
my head grew he***y my sight grew dim.
中文: 我的头越来越沉,视线也变得模糊。 更详细进入...
The general direction lies in trying to bring the mind to deeper and more long-lasting levels of stillness so as to eliminate more and more subtle levels of stress.
中文: 总体趋向是,试著把心带入越来越深度、持久的静止层次,以便消解程度越来越精细的张力。 更详细进入...
Accordingly, in the Post-Cold War era, these two alliances have continued to evolve in different ways, US-Japan alliance has been deepening and expanding while US-Korea alliance has proven to be more and more ambivalent.
中文: 缘此,在后冷战时代,美日、美韩联盟继续呈现出不同的演变方式,美日联盟继续深化扩展,而美韩联盟则表现出越来越漂移不定的状态。 更详细进入...
It also highlighted reduced physical activity because of the sedentary nature of many modern jobs, plus growing reliance on motorised transport particularly in sprawling cities.
中文: 这项变化同时突显出人们的运动减少,因为现代许多工作都是坐着进行;再者,特别在幅员广大的城市,人们越来越倚赖电动交通工具。 更详细进入...
Reading to a child while touching, hugging and holding him or her can be a wonderful antidote age.
中文: 对小孩念故事的同时,摸摸他们拥抱他们或者把他们抱起来,可能是一济神奇的解药,可以消弭当今资讯时代情感越来越淡的趋势。 更详细进入...
Under the situation of the separation of its politics from religion in 1848's revolution, Prussian Protestantism was so reliable on the nation that it became the political appendage of that era and an echo in the tide of nationalism.
中文: 在1848年革命政教分离的形势下,它反而更加依赖国家,以后就越来越成为那个时代的政治附属品,以致于在民族主义潮流中随声附和。 更详细进入...
Two extremes of emotions are prevailing in the piece: one is violent, despairing and frustrating; the other is nostalgic and sorrowful.
中文: 很多时一句未完,情感便突然改变,而且越到情绪越来越急和乱。 更详细进入...
Better availability of price information and more demand for wine in emerging markets has created a fine-wine bull market.
中文: 越来越有用的价格信息和越来越旺盛的需求使得新兴的红酒市场成为了一个美酒的牛市。 更详细进入...
In such cases the device gives out more regular and louder sound, showing that the driver should open a window or stop for a rest.
中文: 当该设备发出的声音越来越规则、越来越大时,这就表示驾驶员应打开窗户或停车休息一会。 更详细进入...
The results showed that: dorsal and anal inclinator muscles become degenerated in faster-swimming fishes, red muscle and anterier myomere corn become developed.
中文: 果表明:鱼类快速游泳能力越强,红肌越发达、肌节前圆锥越发达,背鳍倾肌和臀鳍倾肌越退化; 更详细进入...
The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value.
中文: 战斗越艰苦,胜利越光荣。太容易得到的东西,我们给它的评价也低。一件事物价值的高低,取决于它是否需要付出巨大代价才能得到。 更详细进入...
As microprocessors become more powerful, reliable, and less expensive we can expect the proliferation of this technology, with increasing use by even very small pharmaceutical establishments.
中文: 现代微处理器的功能更加强大,可靠和廉价,我们预计随着这种技术的广泛推广,计算机会越来越多的用在甚至是非常小的制药工厂。 更详细进入...