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Poor people are increasingly at the mercy of money-lenders.

Poor nomads hunt down the snakes in fields and forests during the monsoon season when they come out in the open after their holes are inundated with rain water. 一些穷苦的牧民会在雨季期间到田间和森林里去捕蛇,因为在这个期间雨水会淹没蛇洞,而洞里的蛇就会纷纷爬到外面来。
Poor nutrition because of an insufficient or poorly balanced diet or faulty digestion or utilization of foods. 营养不良由于食量不足或食物结构不平衡、消化不良或食物吸收不良而引起的营养匮乏
Poor nutrition leads to low productivity. 营养不足导致生产力低下。
Poor old Bernard has started shouting at strangers in the street; he must have lost his reason. 可怜的老伯纳德开始在大街上朝陌生人大喊大叫,他准是疯了。
Poor peasants are more able to bear such hardships, but the intermediate class will go over to the big landlord class when it can bear them no longer. 贫农阶级比较尚能忍受此苦痛,中等阶级到忍不住时,就投降豪绅阶级。
Poor people are increasingly at the mercy of money-lenders. 穷人越来越多受到放债者的支配。
Poor people have no right to feel pessimistic, helpless, and lonely. 穷人没有悲观、放弃和孤独的资格。
Poor people have to suffer a lot of red tape to get welfare. 穷人必须忍受一大堆繁琐的手续才能申请到社会福利。
Poor people often moved into the cities in search of good jobs but found only disappointment. 穷人通常为了找好的工作搬到都市,结果却徒然失望。
Poor people will make up most of the urban growth. 穷人将占据大部分的城市人口增长。
Poor people, some with very thin babies or children, held out their hands for money. 穷人,其中有些带着非常瘦弱的婴儿或孩童,伸手向人要钱。

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