Under the scheme,put together by a cross-agency task force set up by NIH director Elias Zerhouni,the institutes will focus on behavioural and environmental approaches to modifying lifestyle.
根据国家卫生研究院主任伊莱亚斯·泽鲁尼组织的跨部门特别工作组提出的这项计划,国家卫生研究院将集中研究通过行为和环境方法来改变生活方式。 |
Under the setting of both Nietzsche and Heidegger's criticism of metaphysics, the thesis is intended to discuss the double problem-the structure of metaphysics, namely the transcendent questioning with a ontological approach and the transcendental questio
摘要本文主要以尼采和海德格尔的形而上学批判为背景,从形而上学的问题提法入手讨论形而上学的双重问题结构,即存在学路向的先验追问与神学路向的超验追问。 |
Under the sexual arena of earthly delight alert the deadly pit of socks.
在享受尘世的性爱的时候,别忘了致命的袜子一事。 |
Under the situation of Big Science and mass higher education, the local universities ought to combine their own condition on science research with the real demands of local economic , and orientate the key point of science research towards the transformin
摘要在“大科学”和高等教育大众化条件下,一般地方高校应结合自身科研条件,根据教学与地方经济的实际需要,将科研重点定位在把最新学术成果向教学内容的转化上,广泛开展以提高教学质量为目的的教学研究;定位在科学技术研究开发长链的中下游,突出应用研究和技术推广与服务工作;定位在促进地方经济社会发展和与地方科技文化事业的结合上。 |
Under the situation of perfect information, if local governments give up the policy of local protection and choose regional economic cooperation, they will not only acquire more interests such as higher output, more effective decrease of local productions
在完全信息条件下,各地政府如果放弃地方保护政策而选择区域经济合作,则不仅能提高自身利益获得更高的产出水平,而且能更加有效地降低本地产品的单位成本,提升产业竞争力,进而改善社会总体福利水平。 |
Under the situation of the separation of its politics from religion in 1848's revolution, Prussian Protestantism was so reliable on the nation that it became the political appendage of that era and an echo in the tide of nationalism.
在1848年革命政教分离的形势下,它反而更加依赖国家,以后就越来越成为那个时代的政治附属品,以致于在民族主义潮流中随声附和。 |
Under the situation that multinational corporations are expanding rapidly and globally and China is massively attracting direct investment from multinational corporations, Liaoning which has an abundant industrial foundation and high-level urbanization, m
在跨国公司向全球迅速扩张和中国不失时机大量吸引跨国公司直接投资的形势下,对拥有雄厚工业基础、城市化水平较高的辽宁来说,为了发挥后发优势,实现赶超战略,必须抓住新一轮全球生产要素优化重组和产业转移的重大机遇,进一步吸引跨国公司投资,才能推动辽宁经济的新发展。 |
Under the skillful guidance of a faculty member, they work together to analyze and synthesize conflicting data and points of view, to define and prioritize goals, to persuade and inspire others who think differently, to make tough decisions with uncertain
在某一个团队成员的技术指导下(在老师的专业指导下),团队成员一起分析归纳有关问题的资料、观点(相互冲突的信息和观点),确定各级目标,分清优先次序,鼓励大家各抒己见,即使在信息不确定的情况下也要做出决定,面对别人的质疑也要执行决定不容错失良机. |
Under the snow white coverlet, upon the snow-white pillow, lay the most beautiful little girl that Tom had ever seen.
在雪白的被单下,雪白的枕头上,躺着一个汤姆有生以来从未见过的最漂亮的小女孩。 |
Under the solicitude of Communist Party and Government of China. Elunchuns came out from the woods, changed their way of working. They lead a stable and rich life.
在党和政府的关怀下,如今的鄂伦春人已走出原始森林,改变了生产劳动方式,过上了稳定富裕的生活。 |
Under the special support of Shanghai Municipal Economic Commission of Shanghai Municipal People's Government, China Alcoholic Drinks Industry Association (CADIA) and Shanghai Wine Monopoly Administration Bureau, “The 3rd China (Shanghai) International Wi
2007年第三届中国(上海)国际酒饮交易博览会由上海市人民政府经济委员会和中国酿酒工业协会、上海市酒类专卖管理局特别支持:上海市商业联合会、上海市酿酒专业协会、上海市酒类流通行业协会、上海市糖烟酒茶商业协会联合主办;并获上海市糖酒总公司、江苏省酒类流通行业协会、上海市餐饮行业协会、上海市连锁经营协会、上海市饭店业协会、上海市旅游行业协会、江苏省酿酒工业协会、上海市烹饪协会等行业协会的大力支持。 |