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    Royal officials on Sunday denied reports in several British newspapers that Prince William has developed a romance with a young woman in Kenya, insisting the pair were just friends.

    中文: 而星期天皇室官员出面为王子辟谣,他们说一些英国媒体报道的关于王子和肯尼亚女子谈恋爱,纯属谣言,王子和她只是朋友。 更详细进入...
    Stoneman Douglas's poetic ode to the Everglades coined the term “river of grass”and helped to bring widespread attention to the park, which was dedicated as a national preserve in 1947.

    中文: 斯通曼·道格拉斯在诗句中赞美大沼泽地是“青草的河流”,引起了人们对这个公园的广泛关注。1947年,这里被正式辟为国家级保护区。 更详细进入...
    The strategies on vivifying Chinese Teaching can be summarized below: to create an open, harmonious atmosphere; to foster a sense of creativity and creative ability; to show the students the way to acquire knowledge; to develop extracurricular activities;

    中文: 摘要语文教学致活必须创造民主、和谐的教学气氛,培养创新意识和创新能力,教给学生学习方法,开辟第二课堂,改革语文考试。 更详细进入...
    Two enterprising fishermen in the Omaha Beach area want to create a commercial mussel bed on the hallowed D-Day landing beach and even plan to use “Omaha Beach” as a brand name to sell their seafood products.

    中文: 有两个法国渔业商人想在“诺曼底登陆”最有名的奥马哈海滩上开辟贻贝养殖场,甚至要用神圣的“奥马哈海滩”作为海产品的名字。 更详细进入...
    An alternative approach is provided by making full use of the local resource with the governmental power and strengthening the mode of a mutual community support for the aged.

    中文: 借助政府公共力量的投入量新发掘这一乡土资源,强化农村社区互助养老模式可为农村空巢家庭养老问题的缓解开辟新的途径。 更详细进入...
    Confront new century, face global good luck and challenge, blue a respectful form of address for a Taoist priest continues to carry on develop, the spirit of innovation, enterprising, wish to cooperate with good faith of domestic and international busines

    中文: 面对新的世纪,面对全球的机遇与挑战,蓝道人继续发扬开拓、创新、进取的精神,愿与国内外商家精诚合作,开辟新的投资领域,共同发展。 更详细进入...
    In 1538, the fleet of Charles V was defeated at the Battle of Preveza by Khair ad Din, securing the eastern Mediterranean for the Turks for 33 years.

    中文: 阿尔哈桑请求西班牙舰队协助,而查尔斯5世也准备在同年夺回对突尼斯的控制权,同年西班牙人实现了这一梦想,哈夫斯帝国复辟。 更详细进入...
    More precisely, the opening of the direct sea route around the Cape of Good Hope led to the integration of global trade generally between 1500 and 1800 with thePortuguese pioneering direct European maritime trade with Asia.

    中文: 更加确切的说,在1500年到1800年,葡萄牙人为开启欧洲和亚洲海上贸易而开辟的绕好望角的直达海上航线就带来了全球贸易一体化。 更详细进入...
    《An Encounter of Folk and Classic Dance》, an annual production in 2006 from dancing group Yu-He-Wu-Yun, is with an expectation to present the purity of traditional art through dancing as its media as a new conceptual performance evolved from traditional a

    中文: 「豫和舞耘」舞团2006年度制作《民间舞与古典舞的邂垢》,从传统艺术里开辟一种新的想法表现,透过舞蹈为媒介,呈现出传统艺术的纯粹性! 更详细进入...
    Three men armed with firebombs, machetes and an ax attacked Myanmar's embassy in Malaysia Wednesday, hacking one senior official and starting a blaze that destroyed the building, officials and witnesses said.

    中文: 有关方面和目击者称,3名携带燃烧弹、刀具和斧头的男子当日袭击了缅甸驻马来西亚大使馆,攻击使馆一名高级官员,并纵火焚烧使馆办公楼。 更详细进入...
    Established in 1964, Canyonlands National Park offers a landscape of natural sculptures. Vibrantly colored, eroded sandstone has been crafted into fluid rock formations and sky scraping buttes.

    中文: 建立与1964年的大峡谷国家公园是一座天然的雕像馆。有着悦目颜色的侵蚀砂岩在大自然的鬼斧神工下,有的像在流动,而有的又摩天而立。 更详细进入...
    So Abimelech went up to Mount Zalmon, he and all the people who were with him; and Abimelech took an axe in his hand and cut down a branch from the trees, and lifted it and laid it on his shoulder.

    中文: 士9:48亚比米勒和跟随他的人就都上撒们山.亚比米勒手拿斧子、砍下一根树枝、扛在肩上、对跟随他的人说、你们看我所行的、也当赶紧照样行。 更详细进入...
    Agate is a gem of nature in a spiritual stones, we will be able to draw wear natural essence of Heaven and Earth, once thought to ward off evil and calamities, increase by Choi Fook, wear and gifts is the height magazines!

    中文: 玛瑙是宝石中的一种,自然界中有灵性的石头,佩戴必能吸取自然之精华,取天地之灵气,消灾辟邪,增福增财,是佩戴和送礼的上乘佳品! 更详细进入...
    In 1535, al-Hasan asked the Spaniards for assistance, and Charles V prepared a campaign and recaptured Tunisia in that year.

    中文: 阿尔哈桑请求西班牙舰队协助,而查尔斯5世也准备在同年夺回对突尼斯的控制权,同年西班牙人实现了这一梦想,哈夫斯帝国复辟。 更详细进入...
    A big development project will open up 15 hectares of riverfront landscape, between Suzhou Creek and Shiliupu Pier, by narrowing the main thoroughfare, Zhongshan No 1 Road, from ten to four lanes.

    中文: 一项大规模开发计划将把主干道中山东一路从十股道压缩为四股道,从而在苏州河与十六铺码头之间开辟一片占地15公顷的临江观景区。 更详细进入...
    For our fellow country men who wish to seek job employment in Singapore, Contilinc had a Job Emplacement Program which will recommend jobs according to each applicant's qualification and job experiences.

    中文: 为了使来自中国的各类人才在新加坡就业工作,我们特开辟就业新加坡的推荐业务,根据申请人的资料,合理推荐协助安排在新加坡就业。 更详细进入...
    Manuscripts and Letters via Integrated Networks in Europe - MALVINE opens new and enhanced access to disparate holdings of modern manuscripts and letters, kept and catalogued in European libraries, archives, documentation centres and museums.

    中文: 手稿和信件,经综合网络,在欧美 malvine开辟了新的增强型接入异类控股现代手稿和信件,保存和编目,在欧洲图书馆,档案馆,文献中心和博物馆. 更详细进入...
    Thermoplastic wood, wood-plastic and woodceramic possess harmony with environment and function, which break through the tradition use of solid wood, and exploit a new way of wood application.

    中文: 热塑性木材、木材-塑料与木材陶瓷具有良好的环境协调性和功能性,打破木材只能作为块状材料的传统使用,开辟了木材应用的新途径。 更详细进入...
    As for Villefort, instead of sending to Paris, he carefully preserved the petition that so fearfully compromised Dantès, in the hopes of an event that seemed not unlikely,--that is, a second restoration.

    中文: 维尔福却并没有履行诺言把信送到巴黎去,而是小心地把那封现在看来可以救唐太斯但未来却极易危害他的请愿书保存了起来,以等待那件似乎并非不可能的事情的发生,好二次复辟。 更详细进入...
    Locate in scene flood centre , cover an area of 18,700 square metre, in 1977 start Bi is park, in garden build have pavilion waterside pavilion, plant have odd coloured different grass, and raise the rare animals such as peacock, huge boa, wild boar, fox,

    中文: 位于景洪市中心,占地18700平方米,1977年始辟为公园,园内建有亭台水榭,植有奇花异卉,并饲养着孔雀、巨蟒、野猪、狐狸、猴子、八哥、画眉等珍稀动物。 更详细进入...

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