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Locate in scene flood centre , cover an area of 18,700 square metre, in 1977 start Bi is park, in garden build have pavilion waterside pavilion, plant have odd coloured different grass, and raise the rare animals such as peacock, huge boa, wild boar, fox,

Locals who are going to miss Capital FM and Capital Gold can opt to listen on the internet. 谁如果错过了当地的首都调频和金色调频可以选择在互联网上收听。
Localted in the thoroughfare of nine provinces,COMFORT.FT industrial Trade Co.Ltd. stands on the pictureque bank of ever-roaring Changjiang River and on the Economic Devilopment Zone of Wuhan,where the transportation is well developed by air,water and lan 舒适·康福特工贸有限公司,屹立于风景优美、气势磅礴的长江之畔,地处九省通衢、水陆交通便利的经济开发区,吸荆楚之灵气,得科技之精华,商贾翩翩一片繁荣。
Locate Pressure Differential on left hand side of chart and extend line horizontally across to valve size being used. 找出图表左侧的压差,延长穿过所使用的阀门通径的水平线。
Locate an agent in Rochester. 把代理处设于罗切斯特
Locate and double-click the Recovery Console: Allow Floppy Copy And Access To All Drives And Folders policy setting. 定位并双击“故障恢复控制台:允许对所有驱动器和文件夹进行软盘复制和访问”。
Locate in scene flood centre , cover an area of 18,700 square metre, in 1977 start Bi is park, in garden build have pavilion waterside pavilion, plant have odd coloured different grass, and raise the rare animals such as peacock, huge boa, wild boar, fox, 位于景洪市中心,占地18700平方米,1977年始辟为公园,园内建有亭台水榭,植有奇花异卉,并饲养着孔雀、巨蟒、野猪、狐狸、猴子、八哥、画眉等珍稀动物。
Locate new urban area build way the east , adjoin Industrial and Commercial Bank of China , Longshan in the style of the ancients business street , Changyuan car passenger traffic master station, easily accessible, the position is superior . 地处新城区建设路东侧,毗邻中国工商银行、龙山仿古商业街、长垣汽车客运总站,交通便利,位置优越。
Locate optimal suppliers with both good price, quality and service. 寻找合格的供应商,满足价格、质量、服务上的要求。
Locate the Schrader air valve on the shock and remove the air valve cap. 找到避震上的美嘴气阀,取下气阀帽。
Locate the oil painting village of Guangzhou, cooperate with many experienced jobs oil painting teacher, be engaged in the high quality oil painting wholesale retail, portrait the painting make to order; the boxes drawing placement; guest house cabaret, a 广州维美油画中心位于广州油画村,与50多位资深职业油画师合作,从事高质油画批发零售,肖像画定制,油画订购;画框配售;宾馆酒店、娱乐场所、楼房样板房、写字楼配画;免费提供批量购画平台;工艺品批发订购代理.
Locate the place on this map. 在地图上把这个地方标出来.

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