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    Navy Tomahawk Land-Attack Missiles (TLAM) (about $1 million a copy) and Air Force Conventional Air-Launched Cruise Missiles (CALCM) (some $2 million each) are among this category's crown jewels.

    中文: 海军战斧式舰对地导弹(TLAM)(每枚约1百万美元)和空军常规空射巡航导弹(CALCM)(某些每枚2百万美元)都位于此类武器之首。 更详细进入...
    The 113-year-old company, which in four years has undergone dramatic restructuring at the cost of thousands of jobs in the face of the technology crash and economic malaise, will launch the marketing push on September 13.

    中文: 面对技术股崩盘和经济不振的局面,有着113年历史的飞利浦,4年来以牺牲成千就业岗位的代价,进行了大刀阔斧的重组,公司将于9月13日发起上述全球营销活动。 更详细进入...
    In the wake of the Great Depression and the second world war, with the Keynesian revolution still young, championing the free market was deeply unfashionable, even (or especially) among economists.

    中文: 在经济大萧条(恐慌)和二次世界大战之后,是凯恩斯主义刚刚大行其道的年代,在那时候,如果谁倡导自由市场经济,尤其在众多主流的经济学者中班门弄斧,都是不识时务的。 更详细进入...
    Office workers and families take to the parks and gardens, fiercely defending precious spaces beneath the trees, where they sit, drink, and sing their way through the first warm evenings of the year.

    中文: 邀约亲朋好友一道来到樱花怒放的公园和花园,在樱花树下开辟一边空间,围坐饮酒、唱歌,度过一年中的第一个暖夜。 更详细进入...
    The lines of strew and random cross each other, rapid, slow, pause and transition, which depicted the tenacity of the rocks and stones; also the mild light and shade appeared the sheer of the mountain and the depth of valley.

    中文: 错落交织、疾缓顿挫的线条,刻画了大地之“骨”岩石的坚韧;明暗有度,点染得法的黛蓝与墨青透出斧劈刀的峻峭和峡谷的深邃。 更详细进入...
    I say we seige the blizzard head quarters... five hundred Dwarfs of mithril plate with hammer and axe storming into their offices might have an impact.

    中文: 15级的矮人如是说:我说我们追到暴雪老大单位....500个拿着密银铁锤和暴风巨斧的矮人闯入他们的办公室里估计会有效果。 更详细进入...
    Growing crops in naturally forested areas requires cutting trees, and farmers began to clear forests for this purpose in Europe and China by 8,000 years ago, initially with axes made of stone and later from bronze and then iron.

    中文: 在自然森林地区种植作物必须砍树;欧洲与中国的农人约8000年前开始清除森林,最初用的是石斧,接著是铜器,再来是铁器。 更详细进入...
    Based on a study of 150 strategic moves spanning more than a hundred years, the authors have concluded such strategic moves to explore the market!

    中文: 「蓝海策略」研究了自1880年以来150家成功兴起的企业策略模式,并归纳出他们如何在竞争以外另辟蹊径,开拓新的市场! 更详细进入...
    My aunt, Mr Dick and Peggotty are all white-haired and old now, but still very fit, and they love playing with our children whenever they can.

    中文: 我姨婆、迪克先生和辟果提已成了白发苍苍的老人,但依然很健朗,他们只要一有时间就来陪我们的孩子们一起玩耍。 更详细进入...
    Engrossed in the music scene, Jones gravitated toward local musicians and songwriters who urged her, after seeing her sing, to jump-start her own career.

    中文: 痴迷音乐的琼斯深为当地的音乐人和词曲作家所吸引,而他们在看了她的歌唱表演后也都催她赶快开辟自己的事业天地。 更详细进入...
    Science and technology, which advance by leads and bounds, have not only provided an unprecedented capacity for mankind to explore and harness nature, but also opened up broad prospects for the development of man's own ability.

    中文: 科学技术日新月异的发展,为人类开发和利用自然提供了空前巨大的能力,也为人类自身能力的发展开辟了广阔的前景。 更详细进入...
    Once a linguistic tradition has been established, it will have a powerful influence in guiding the up-coming linguists on its groove for academic pursuit.

    中文: 摘要语言学传统形成了以后就会造成非常强大的导向力量,使得后来的语言学家们都顺着已开辟的道路继续学术讨论。 更详细进入...
    Petersburg, dreamed of committing the perfect crime: With an ax he murdered an old widowed pawnbroker and her stepsister, and stole some jewelry from their flat.

    中文: 他精心策划一起犯罪行为,用一把斧头砍死了一个经营典当生意的老寡妇及其隔山妹妹,并从她们的寓所里偷走了一些珠宝。 更详细进入...
    If you possess that equipment, you will find leisure enough after your daily commercial work is over, to make an opening in the scientific ranks for yourself.

    中文: 如果您具备这些素质,那么您会发现在日常的商业工作结束之后,您有充分的闲余时间在科学领域为自己开辟出一片天地。 更详细进入...
    The vengeance formation in Medea gives an explanation of natural and attacking character of human being, opening a new expressional route in tragic drama.

    中文: 美狄亚复仇阐释了人的复仇攻击本性,其独具特色的残酷型复仇将人类超常态特性推向极致,开辟了新的悲剧表现内容。 更详细进入...
    With ingenuity and pragmatism, they have pursued a path which offers valuable lessons for the 600m people in sub-Saharan Africa who still struggle to find the path out of poverty.

    中文: 中国人以聪明才智和务实态度,开辟了一条道路,为撒哈拉以南仍在努力寻找脱贫之路的6亿非洲人提供了宝贵的经验。 更详细进入...
    It is my hope that the American friends in the business circle who are dedicated to investing in China would keep up with the pace of China's future modernization development, consistently explore new cooperation channels to enhance our cooperation both i

    中文: 我希望,致力于投资中国的美国工商界朋友们跟上未来中国现代化建设的步伐,不断开辟合作渠道,拓宽合作的深度和广度,为自己的资本、技术和管理实力找到更加广阔的用武之地。 更详细进入...
    It is not just the narrow business of the Doha round (if narrow is a fit adjective for an ambition to lift millions out of poverty, curb rich countries' ruinous farm support and open markets for countless goods and services) that is at stake.

    中文: 不仅是多哈回合上的小事儿(如果小是一个合适的形容词来表达这样的一个目的:让成百万的人脱贫,抑制富国极具破坏性的农业扶持以及为无数的商品和服务开辟市场)受到威胁。 更详细进入...
    US passenger carriers were expected to snap up the opportunity to fly to, or add routes to, China because international routes were more lucrative than domestic ones.

    中文: 预计美国的客运航空公司会抓住这一机会,开辟飞往中国的航线,或者增加新的航线,因为国际航线比国内航线更加有利可图。 更详细进入...
    We shouldn't put the Bible in the drawers or at the back of the long chairs in the church and recite the book once a week.

    中文: ——但《圣经》从来都是应该被「摆上枱」,发光发亮的,而非只放在酒店抽屉阴暗处「辟邪」,或安于教堂的长椅背后、每逢到礼拜天才被翻几页。 更详细进入...

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