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The 113-year-old company, which in four years has undergone dramatic restructuring at the cost of thousands of jobs in the face of the technology crash and economic malaise, will launch the marketing push on September 13.

The 11 individuals must knit into an organic whole. 球队里的11位成员必须抱成一团,形成有机的整体。
The 11-chapter review is the end result of years of work that has been scrutinized by more than 620 expert reviewers. 这个由十一个章节组成的总结是620位专家一年辛勤工作的结果。
The 11-member Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries agreed Wednesday to cut production by as much as 1 million barrels per day in April, which would make oil prices soar on the world market. 星期三有11个成员的石油输出国家组织通过了在四月每天减少一百万桶石油产量的决议,这将使全球油价彪升。
The 110&119 emergency call reception and handling system is an important application field of call centers, relating to both computer and communication in engineering design. 摘要110和119接处警系统是呼叫中心的重要应用领域,在工程设计中涉及计算机、通信两个方面。
The 110-year-old Venice Biennial is to open on June 12 this year. It is said that China will set up its exhibition pavilion on spot for the first time. 已有110年历史的威尼斯双年展将于6月12日开幕,这也是第一次在双年展上设立中国馆.
The 113-year-old company, which in four years has undergone dramatic restructuring at the cost of thousands of jobs in the face of the technology crash and economic malaise, will launch the marketing push on September 13. 面对技术股崩盘和经济不振的局面,有着113年历史的飞利浦,4年来以牺牲成千就业岗位的代价,进行了大刀阔斧的重组,公司将于9月13日发起上述全球营销活动。
The 115 islands, most of them uninhabited, cover a mere 445 square kilometres (175 square miles) of the Indian Ocean, north of Madagascar, and enjoy several advantages over most of the rest of Africa. 这115个岛中,大多数都无人居住,占据了马达加斯加北面的印度洋将近445平方公里(175平方英里)范围,享受着比其它非洲大陆的多的几大优势.
The 11th APEC Leaders' Informal Meeting was held in the Thai capital of Bangkok on October 20~21. 10月20~21日,亚太经合组织第十一次领导人非正式会议在泰国首都曼谷举行。
The 11th appendage, which is one of the smallest parts of the star, had by far the largest representation in the cortex. 第11号附器,是星鼻上最小的附器之一,但在皮质上的表现区域却远大于其他附器。
The 11th was picked because the two numbers, 1-1, resemble two people lining up. 选定每月11日作为“排队推动日”是因为“11”这个数字看起来象是两个人在排队。
The 12 Brasses of Berlin Philharmonic always inherit its tradition. What the twelve musicals think the most important is the love to the music and the interest of indoors music. “柏林爱乐12铜管”继承和发扬着流传已久的传统。对音乐的热爱以及对室内乐的兴趣,是12名音乐家们一致认同的最重要的东西。

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