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It is not just the narrow business of the Doha round (if narrow is a fit adjective for an ambition to lift millions out of poverty, curb rich countries' ruinous farm support and open markets for countless goods and services) that is at stake.

It is not just simply one stone piled on to top of another, theyre joined together, this hole in the arch on here thats been pounded out using stone hammers, and that originally fitted on the top of that stone. 因为巨石并不是简单地堆叠在一起,而是被巧妙地连接在一起:石块拱起部分的孔眼是用石锤开出来的,它原来刚好可以套住顶上另一块巨石的石楦。
It is not just that the two are no longer at each other's throats, as parts of Europe were with the Bush administration in the run-up to the Iraq war. 这不只因为双方已不再像伊战前夕欧洲部分国家与布什政府那样针锋相对。
It is not just that we, the Pleiadians, have come to assist; we are only one grouping from one star system. 它不仅是我们,昴宿星人来协助;我们只是一个恒星系统的一个族群。
It is not just the efforts of organizations to alter the rules that shape long run economic performance. 不仅仅是组织的努力去改变形成长期经济绩效的规则。
It is not just the formal rules that make for low transaction costs. 不仅是正式规则创造低交易费用。
It is not just the narrow business of the Doha round (if narrow is a fit adjective for an ambition to lift millions out of poverty, curb rich countries' ruinous farm support and open markets for countless goods and services) that is at stake. 不仅是多哈回合上的小事儿(如果小是一个合适的形容词来表达这样的一个目的:让成百万的人脱贫,抑制富国极具破坏性的农业扶持以及为无数的商品和服务开辟市场)受到威胁。
It is not just the outside of your body that is made of electromagnetic energies, every part of your and everything your experience in third dimension. 不单是在身体外部由电磁场组成,你的每一部分和你在三维空间的任何体验都是由电磁场组成。
It is not just today, when we are scientifically backward, that we need to learn from other countries. 我们不仅因为今天科学技术落后,需要努力向外国学习。
It is not just women who are hearing the tick-tock either. 当然,听到生物钟的滴答声的不仅仅是女性。
It is not known precisely what the legal consequences are for an unregistered Animagus, but they are apparently rather severe, as the threat of exposure as an unregistered Animagus was enough to persuade Rita Skeeter to take a year off from her job as a s 我们并不清楚未注册的阿尼马格斯将面临什么样的法律后果,但肯定是相当严厉的,因为威胁泄露丽塔·斯基特是未注册阿尼马格斯的秘密足以迫使她一年内不再进行诽谤别人的记者工作(GF37)。
It is not lawful to do that. 做那事是不合法的。

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