Cats were worshipped as gods in Egypt more than 4,000 years ago.
中文: 在四千多年前的埃及,猫被视为神来崇拜。 更详细进入...
Chinese dragons originated in the 8000 years since the Neolithic Age.
中文: 中国龙起源于距今八千年的新石器时代。 更详细进入...
Every year, diabetes contributes to over 224,000 deaths.
中文: 每年死于糖尿病的人将超过22万4千人。 更详细进入...
The farm s fruit crop amounted to about 700000 kg. this year.
中文: 今年这个农场的水果收了约七十万千克。 更详细进入...
These became known as the United Nation (millennium) development goals.
中文: 这些是众所周知的联合国千年发展目标。 更详细进入...
He also propounded the Heliocentric theory of gravitation, thus predating Copernicus by almost one thousand years.
中文: 他也提出以引力作用为基础的日心说,比哥白尼早了几乎一千年。 更详细进入...
Loong has not wings. But Ying Loong has wings. Loong will become Ying Loong after a one-thousand-year's self-tempering.
中文: (龙没有翅膀。但是应龙有翅膀。龙经过一千年的修炼可以变成应龙。) 更详细进入...
Perspective is a subject of drawing technique established by artists all over the word in history with practice from thousands of years ago.
中文: 透视学是数千年来中外画家在实践中总结出来的一门绘画技法。 更详细进入...
He has practiced law in Taipei for 30 years.
中文: 他在台北做律师已有三十年。 更详细进入...
With the implementation of the mandatory scheme for these three products, an electricity saving of 150 Gigawatt hours per year and an annual reduction of carbon dioxide emission of 105,000 tonnes will be achieved.
中文: 三类指定产品推行强制性标签计划后,每年可多节省一亿五千万度电,同时减少排放十万五千公吨二氧化碳。 更详细进入...
We are at the close of the cycle of 5,000 years of the present Aryan Kali Yuga or dark age.
中文: 我们现在接近于五千年周期的雅利安人卡利年代或黑暗年代的尾升。 更详细进入...
Shaoguan is an important power-generating center in Guangdong, being capable of an installed capacity of nearly 2.4 million kilowatts and an annual generation capacity of 10 billion kilowatt-hours.
中文: 韶关是广东重要的电力基地,发电装机容量近240万千瓦,年发电量100亿千瓦时。 更详细进入...
Those charges involve the gassing to death of thousands of Kurds in 1988 in Halabja and the slaughter of thousands of Shiites during their uprising in 1991, after the U.S.-led Persian Gulf War.
中文: 这些指控包括1988年对于数千库尔德人使用毒气致死,以及海湾战争之后1991年屠杀数千因起义的什叶派教徒。 更详细进入...
A good marksman may miss.
中文: 智者千虑,必有一失. 更详细进入...
A picture is worth a thousand swords.
中文: 一张图胜过千把剑。 更详细进入...
An excellent marksman might miss.
中文: 智者千虑,必有一失。 更详细进入...
Homer sometimes nods.
中文: 智者千虑,终有一失。 更详细进入...
In 2003 the military gratuity was doubled, from $6,000, where it had stood since 1991, to $12,000, with subsequent increases to account for inflation, bringing it to $12,420 on January 1, 2005.
中文: 2003年,军人抚恤金从1991年的六千块翻倍到一万二,考虑到货币贬值的因素,在2005年元月1日提高到12420元。 更详细进入...
Ok, it's just the sixth year of this millennium, but insisting on calling it 2006 takes the devil-may-care fun out of calendargazing.
中文: 而且仅仅是这个千年的第六个年头,坚持称其为2006年所带来的不顾一切的乐趣超出了对日历的关注。 更详细进入...
Analysis of drug law of compound prescription in treating Alzheimer disease;
中文: 老年性痴呆复方用药规律探讨 更详细进入...