An example was Grand Minister Hsu Ti.
张籍:「六街朝暮鼓鼕鼕,禁兵持戟守空宫。」 |
An example would be a Flex Agent.
可伸缩的产品就是一个很好的例子。 |
An excavator sits in the Israeli West Bank settlement of Maale Adumim 05 August 2004.
8月5日,一台挖土机停在约旦河西岸马阿勒·阿杜明定居点。 |
An excellent book, I knew all of the contents before, but I was not familiar with them in detail, this book begins with essential knowledge, It's very intensive.
不错的一本书,里面讲的东西我原来都了解,但并不清楚细节,这本书从基础讲起,非常透彻。 |
An excellent game for a true commander.
这可是个给真正指挥官的好游戏。 |
An excellent marksman might miss.
智者千虑,必有一失。 |
An excellent seamstress makes it fit that way.
优秀的裁缝师傅能根据你的体形做衣服。 |
An excellent skin cream, whether used for Baby's Diaper Rash or to eliminate a skin rash for adults. This water proofformula simply has no competition.
非常出色的皮肤软膏,无论是治疗婴儿的尿布疹,还是成人的皮疹病症.它的”耐水配方”成分无以匹比. |
An excellent strategic plan is base on the data and the experience of the actuality.
一个出色的战略计划是基于实际数据和经验之上的。 |
An excellent student in many ways.
他是一个各方面表现都很突出的学生。 |
An excellent survey of Crace's work to date.
一个极好的克雷斯作品调查已确定日期。 |