These beautiful birds are fast disappearing.
这些美丽的鸟类正面临绝种。 |
These beautiful compositions by Grammy-nominated pianist Peter Kater soar higher and higher with Richard Hardy's bamboo and silver flutes and Grammy-nominated Paul McCandless playing penny whistles, oboe, bass clarinet and soprano saxophone.
这些美丽的混音是获得格莱美提名的钢琴家彼得·卡特尔灌制的,并且这些混音在伴随着理查德哈代的竹笛和银笛,还有另外一个格莱美提名者,保罗麦卡里斯的锡口笛、双簧管、英国管和高音萨克斯风的演奏提高到了一个新的高度。 |
These beautiful old Victorian houses are being torn down to make way for a new road.
这些美丽的维多利亚式老房子正被拆毁,以建新路。 |
These beautiful old palaces are part of our national heritage.
这些美丽的古老宫殿是我们民族遗产的一部分。 |
These beautiful yellow-striped fish with big pinkish lips swirl around in this mating aggregation.
这些有着黄色条纹与厚厚粉红色嘴唇的美丽鱼类,在这样的交配聚会中回游。 |
These became known as the United Nation (millennium) development goals.
这些是众所周知的联合国千年发展目标。 |
These became known as the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.
这些目标就是众所周知的联合国千年发展计划。 |
These beers belong to original German style.It is real high-grade beer,deserving the name of “XO” in beers.
其属正宗德式风味,是真正的高档啤酒,堪称啤酒中的“XO”。 |
These beetles are a blight to cotton.
这些甲虫是棉花的大害。 |
These behavioral symptoms make PTSD difficult to differentiate from other conditions such as attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
这些行为方面的症状使PTSD难以与其它疾病区分比如注意缺陷/多动障碍。 |
These beings were like penguins, fat floppy faces with throughway eyes.
这些生物就像企鹅一样,肥嗒嗒的脸上往前长着眼睛。 |