All the while becoming crusty and cynical or a athetic, sniveling victim.
中文: 最后你会变成一个易怒的、愤世嫉俗的或者是一个可怜兮兮的、哭哭啼啼的受害者。 更详细进入...
Bishop Calinic fears his priests' fat tummies suggest they enjoy too many worldly pleasures.
中文: 卡利尼齐奇主教担心,这些神父若挺著胖肚子,会让人以为他们享受太多俗世之乐。 更详细进入...
I.e., The gods (or true friends), who do not indulge in revolt and create stir, alone raise us high in the world.
中文: 即:神(或真正的朋友们)不会沉溺于暴乱或制造混乱,只会将我们从世俗中提升出来。 更详细进入...
Sometimes worldly rulers draw on religious symbolism to enforce their authority, impress their subjects or legitimise war.
中文: 有些时候,世俗统治者利用宗教符号来强化其权威,打动其子民或是让战争合法化。 更详细进入...
Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God?
中文: 4你们这些淫乱的人哪,(淫乱的人原文作淫妇)岂不知与世俗为友,就是与神为敌吗。 更详细进入...
What Naomi asked Ruth to do in Jewish Culture by saying to Ruth to uncover Boaz feet and Lay at his feet was a way a woman could propose to a man.
中文: 拿俄米是根据犹太人的习俗叫路得掀开波阿斯脚上的被,躺卧在那里,这是女?讼蚰腥颂崆椎姆绞?. 更详细进入...
For he flattereth himself in his own eyes, until his iniquity be found to be hateful.
中文: 2他自夸自媚,以为他的罪孽终不显露,不被恨恶。 更详细进入...
Goalkeeper Amelia was the third choice shot-stopper in Marcello Lippi's World Cup party.
中文: 在里皮的世界杯军团中,阿梅利亚是三号备选门将. 更详细进入...
Baathist secularism promoted such modernising trends as inter-faith marriage and scientific education.
中文: 复兴党的世俗性也推动了伊拉克朝现代化方向发展,比如跨宗教通婚和科学教育。 更详细进入...
The belief that suicide bombers are poor, uneducated, disaffected or disturbed is contradicted by science.
中文: 「自杀炸弹客是贫穷、没受教育、愤世嫉俗,或者心智失常」这样的信念,是与科学牴触的。 更详细进入...
Everyone who quotes proverbs will quote this proverb about you: Like mother, like daughter.
中文: 44凡说俗语的必用俗语攻击你,说,母亲怎样,女儿也怎样。 更详细进入...
All the while becoming crusty and cynical or a pathetic, snieling ictim.
中文: 最后你会变成一个易怒的、愤世嫉俗的,或者是一个可怜兮兮的、哭哭啼啼的受害者。 更详细进入...
All the while becoming crusty and cynical or a pathetic, sniveling victim.
中文: 最后你会变成一个易怒的、愤世嫉俗的,或者是一个可怜兮兮的、哭哭啼啼的受害者。 更详细进入...
How priceless is your unfailing love! Both high and low among men find refuge in the shadow of your wings.
中文: 7神阿、你的慈爱、何其宝贵.世人投靠在你翅膀的荫下。 更详细进入...
This species of coffee plant known as Arabica coffee is the most commonly grown species of coffee grown throughout the world.
中文: 阿拉比卡咖啡树是全世界种植最普遍的一种咖啡树。 更详细进入...
Bad habit corrupt good manners.
中文: 坏习惯败坏好风俗。 更详细进入...
The old customs are pass ing.
中文: 旧习俗渐渐消失了。 更详细进入...
Ed. with Kang Li. A Perspective on Folksong and Folklore: Zhong Jing-wen's Collection of Essay on Folklore,Shanghai: Shanghai Arts Press.
中文: 《谣俗蠡测──钟敬文民俗随笔》,与康丽合编。上海:上海文艺出版社。 更详细进入...
Italian painter. With his command of perspective, light, color, and composition, he produced a large body of secular and ecclesiastical works, including The Banquet of Cleopatra and The Martyrdom of Saint Agatha(both1750).
中文: 泰波罗,乔瓦尼·巴蒂斯特1696-1770意大利画家,他对透视、光线、色彩和构图有杰出的掌握,创作了一大批世俗和宗教作品,其中有克利奥帕特拉的宴会和圣阿加莎的殉道(同为1750年) 更详细进入...
Henry VIII wanted to divorce Catherine of Aragon but the Pope refused.
中文: 亨利八世欲与阿拉贡的凯瑟琳离婚,但是教皇拒绝了。 更详细进入...