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I.e., The gods (or true friends), who do not indulge in revolt and create stir, alone raise us high in the world.

I.Double click the “My Computer” icon in the computer's desktop (or “Start” menu). 桌面上的“我的电脑”图标,或点击“开始”菜单。
I.H.SILVER.《Aerobiology》 ACADEMIC PRESS》LONDON》NEW YORK,1970. 车凤翔.《空气生物学原理及应用》科学出版社.北京:2004年9月.
I.Long-term liabilities refer to the debts which will be redeer after a year or an operating cycle longer than a year, indue *long-term loans payable, bonds payable, long-term accoi payable, etc. 长期负债是指一年或者超过一年的一个营业周期以上的债务,包括长期借款、应付债券、长期应付款项等。
I.e. pair of the equal digits should belong to different parts. 也就是说,两个相同的数字,就要落在不同的区域中。
I.e., Enmity cannot put an end to enmity. Violence cannot root out violence. Forgiveness is a cry of the day. 也就是说,憎恨不可能终止憎恨。暴力也不可能根除暴力。而宽忍是世界的呼唤。
I.e., The gods (or true friends), who do not indulge in revolt and create stir, alone raise us high in the world. 即:神(或真正的朋友们)不会沉溺于暴乱或制造混乱,只会将我们从世俗中提升出来。
I.why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour? 为什么一天中交通最慢的时刻叫"速行"时刻?
I/'m sorry for not phoning you. 对不起,没给你打电话。
I/'ve got a puncture and my spare is flat too! 我的车胎扎破了,备用的也瘪了。
I/My mind was in a complete haze. 我完全糊涂了.
I/O PORT:Input/output connector. 输入/输出端口:输入/输出连接器。

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