In the 1960s and 1970s he was a hate-figure forthe left, derided by many as wicked, loony, or both.
中文: 在二十世纪六七十年代他被认为是对数字不屑一顾的左派经济学家,并被许多人嘲之为讨厌鬼,或疯子,或二者兼具。 更详细进入...
He was found in possession of dangerous drugs.
中文: 她被发现藏有危险物品。 更详细进入...
He was reported to the police for speeding.
中文: 他超速被人向警方告发。 更详细进入...
The town has been designated a development area.
中文: 该城市已被定为开发区。 更详细进入...
To be intelligible is to be found out.
中文: 使人理解才能被人发现。 更详细进入...
Good day, age about forty, height about five feet nine, a sinister expression!
中文: 日安,年纪四十左右,身高五英尺九左右,一种阴险的表情! 更详细进入...
Frame #12: The left arm hand/forearm surface is positioned to apply force as adduction of the upper arm commences.
中文: 画面12:随着左大臂内收的开始,左臂的手/小臂推水面形成。 更详细进入...
Hold in left hand between thumb and fingers. Low notes(holes 123 etc)on left.
中文: 用左手在拇指与其他手指之间擎住,在低音符(123。。。孔)在左面。 更详细进入...
Initial work-up included a CT demonstrating a medial left occipital infarct involving the left side of the splenium of the corpus callosum.
中文: 初始检查CT示左枕叶及中度梗塞并累及左侧胼胝体压部。 更详细进入...
It included the bottom ,which had inching and moving flapper of 5 pieces knifes side to side in the menu.
中文: 菜单中有5把刀的左右点动和活动挡板左右点动的按钮。 更详细进入...
The adoption liquid of left right side urn presses the synchronous way, and guarantee the synchronous headway of left right side urn to squeeze.
中文: 左右侧缸采用液压同步方式,保证左右侧缸同步前进挤压。 更详细进入...
Electric is a term sometimes applied to Wang's sinker, when it darts down and away from left-handed hitters.
中文: 雷电两个字常被用来形容王建民的伸卡球,特别是在球猛然拐向左打者外角的时候。 更详细进入...
You can access chests and other containers by left-clicking on them. When you open a container, its inventory will be displayed in a small window.
中文: 你可以左键点击一个箱子以打开它。打开箱子后,它的内容将被显示在一个小窗口中。 更详细进入...
Selim and colleagues found a fracture on the mummy's lower left thigh bone with a thin coat of embalming fluid around the break, suggesting that the injury occurred before Tut was embalmed.
中文: 斯莱姆和他的同事发现,木乃伊的左大腿有骨裂,而且伤处还涂抹有香油,这似乎暗示,在图坦卡蒙的尸体被做成木乃伊之前这个伤口已经存在。 更详细进入...
The priority in life is to keep an eye on business and not to get lured into the social high life, being exhibited around by the groupie-type poseurs who wish to be seen with the new blue-eyed boy.
中文: 人生最要紧的是看好生意,不要被上层社会的豪华生活所诱惑,不要被那些装腔作势的名人崇拜者们所左右而招摇过市,那些名人迷们就想让人看到自己与新发迹的宠儿在一起。 更详细进入...
In mechanics, the class of problems describes the deflection of a elastic beam fixed at left and clamped at right by sliding clamps.
中文: 在力学上,这类问题描述了一个左端固定右端被滑动夹子夹住的非线性弹性的形态。 更详细进入...
Yao went to the bench and McGrady walked gingerly to the sideline five minutes later. McGrady wore a black wrap around his left leg.
中文: 姚明做到了替补席上,5分钟后麦迪也拖着被黑色护膝包裹的左腿小心翼翼的下场. 更详细进入...
Expected or required but not yet having come about.
中文: 期待发生的被期望或要求但仍未发生的 更详细进入...
Your shipment of our order has been found shortweight by 80 kilograms.
中文: 你方发运的我方订货被发现短少80公斤。 更详细进入...
I will activate the air (Qi) around my pectoral muscle by doing 77 push-ups in one hand before massage, I use my big and elastic pectoral muscle to massage the acupoint of customer's foot with Qigong for beauty, dispelling worries, refreshing or slimming.
中文: 理疗时我先用左右手各单手做77个俯卧撑进行运气,并分别将气发到我的左右胸肌上,再用硕大强健且富有弹性的胸肌点穴按摩被疗者足部的有关穴位,从而达到美容、解闷、去烦、提神、减肥及健身的作用。 更详细进入...