In the 1950s, the country music recording industry was set up in Nashville and moved away from its rough roots.
到了20世纪50年代,乡村音乐唱片工业在纳什维尔建立起来,摆脱了起源时的不成体系。 |
In the 1957 gentleman's final, a Mrs. Helen Jarvis invaded the court, shouting and waving a banner calling for a new world banking system.
在1957年的男单决赛中,一位名叫海伦·贾维斯的女士突然闯进球场,在场内为呼吁建立新的世界银行体系摇旗呐喊。 |
In the 1960's, Bell Telephone Laboratories had occasion to investigate lightning transient damage that occurred at a number of their highly automated telephone Central Office sites.
在60年代,贝尔实验室曾对它们一些高度自动化的电话中心现场因雷击电涌造成的损坏进行了调查。 |
In the 1960s Russian physicist Victor Veselago noted that in a material where both those quantities are negative, the refractive index will also be negative.
1960年代,俄国物理学家维斯拉格就曾提出,材料的这两个系数如果均为负,其折射率也将为负。 |
In the 1960s a new tool was developed, one which was, first of all, to be of great practical use to the around forces and industry, but which was also, in time, to revolutionize the science of surgery.
二十世纪60年代,一种新颖的工具开发出来了,首先,这在相关的效能与业界内切实可行,而随之这也迟早会对外科医学产生革命化的影响。 |
In the 1960s and 1970s he was a hate-figure forthe left, derided by many as wicked, loony, or both.
在二十世纪六七十年代他被认为是对数字不屑一顾的左派经济学家,并被许多人嘲之为讨厌鬼,或疯子,或二者兼具。 |
In the 1960s and 1970s it came under threat from producers in developing countries who could benefit from low wage costs.
在20世纪60和70年代,该行业受到了发展中国家生产商的威胁,因为发展中国家生产商能从低工资成本中获益。 |
In the 1960s and 1970s,a growing number of psychologists showed that cognitive processes could be rigorously studied by using sophisticated experiments.And this led to some behaviorists to develope a modified view called cognitive behavorism.
认知行为理论是由认知和行为主义演进而成的,包括了有三项的特徵:1.解决问题与产生改变2.重视科学方法3.监视和控制行为的认知历程. |
In the 1960s the puzzle was partially solved by the theory of density waves, developed by Chia-Chiao Lin and Frank Shu, both then at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
1960年代,美国麻省理工学院的林家翘与徐遐生发展出密度波理论,解开了这个谜团的一部份。 |
In the 1960s, Hong Kong's population was on the increase and economic growth was rapid.
香港的人口在六十年代急剧上升,各行各业发展迅速。 |
In the 1960s, some Russian sailors reported watching a fight between a whale and a giant squid.
20世纪60年代,有些俄罗斯海员说,他们目睹了一场鲸鱼和大乌贼之战。 |