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    The House of Representatives then decided to impeach the president, charging him with high crimes and misdemeanorsas required by the Constitution.

    中文: 美国众议院接著决定根据宪法规定之严重罪刑与不当行为,弹劾詹森。 更详细进入...
    During December we will be exhibiting as many entries as possible at the World's Fair Museum of Modern Art.

    中文: 巴西馆将在十二月份尽可能将所有的参赛作品陈列于万国博览会现代艺术馆供大众观赏. 更详细进入...
    Museum exhibits; museum tours.

    中文: 博物馆的展览品;博物馆的巡回展览 更详细进入...
    President Bush's goal of signing a comprehensive immigration bill before Americans vote for a new Congress will not be met, although Republican leader Boehner vowed to get a strong border security-related bill to the House floor.

    中文: 总统布什在国会选举前签署综合性移民议案的目的尚未达到,虽然共和党领导B承诺要给众议院一份强有力的国界安全相关方面的议案。 更详细进入...
    WASHINGTON -- June 16, 2006 -- DEMS-AGENDA -- Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., left, gestures as he speaks to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., right, during a press conference of Democratic leadership on issues ranging from the Ir

    中文: 当参议院民主党领袖、内华达州民主党人哈里·里德(左)与众议院少数党领袖,加州民主党众议员南希·佩洛西(右)在民主党领袖就伊拉克战争,最低工资,房地产遗产税等问题召开的记者招待会上谈话时,作手势。 更详细进入...
    The product delivered under this agreement shall conform to the standard specifications for the product adopted by the __ Trade Association.

    中文: 根据该协议提供的产品应当符合_贸易协会所采取的标准规格。 更详细进入...
    WASHINGTON -- June 16, 2006 -- DEMS-AGENDA-3 -- House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., left, speaks, as Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., looks on, at right, during a news conference during a press conference of Democratic leadership on

    中文: 当众议院少数党领袖,加州民主党众议员南希·佩洛西(左)在民主党领袖就伊拉克战争,最低工资,房地产遗产税等问题召开的记者招待会上发言时,参议院民主党领袖、内华达州民主党人哈里·里德(右)在旁观。 更详细进入...
    The Ministerial Conference shall carry out the functions of the WTO and take actions necessary to this effect.

    中文: 该部长会议应该履行世贸组织的职能,并适时采取必要的措施。 更详细进入...
    The method of implementing infrared communication between laptop and single chip computer by using IRDA protocol is given.

    中文: 给出了采用IRDA协议实现单片机与笔记本电脑红外通信的方法。 更详细进入...
    The Senate started on the right fool. In1986, it limited its franking budget to half the total appropriation for both chambers. That seemed fair because the100 senators represent the same total number of constituents as the435 House members.

    中文: 参院走出了正确的第一步。1986年把参院的免费邮件预算限制在参众两院该项预算总和的半数。100位参议员与435位众议员的选民人数一样,所以看来这是公平的做法。 更详细进入...
    There are more museums in New York than in Taipei.

    中文: 纽约的博物馆比台北的博物馆要多。 更详细进入...
    In light of the need of national defense, the State mobilizes and organizes the masses to take protective measures for preventing or minimizing damage caused by air raid.

    中文: 国家根据国防需要,动员和组织群众采取防护措施,防范和减轻空袭危害。 更详细进入...
    There are many benefits of carry out health-promoting tourism: it adopt the mode of integrated health stratagem and hearten the public participate (policy);

    中文: 推动健康促进旅游的益处有:采用整体健康的模式和促使公众参与(政策); 更详细进入...
    The degree or status of a doctor as conferred by a university.

    中文: 博士学位大学授予的博士学位或身份 更详细进入...
    With a Republican majority in 2000, the House would presumably have gone for Bush.

    中文: 2000年时共和党在众议院中居多数,因而可推断将由共和党的小布希胜出。 更详细进入...
    For various reasons, the House and Senate, in their bicentennial year, have gotten off to an even slower start than usual.

    中文: 由于种种原因,众参两院在这两百周年里,一开始[议程进度]就比往常迟缓。 更详细进入...
    The House opened the session by passing, by a large bipartisan margin, new ethics rules.

    中文: 新一届众议院一开张两党就以压倒多数(注3)通过了一项新的道德法案。 更详细进入...
    At this unique museum, you ll see how cranberries are harvested and can taste different cranberry products.

    中文: 在这个独一无二的博物馆里,你会看到如何采收蔓越橘,也可以尝到不同的蔓越橘产品。 更详细进入...
    But today bloggers are starting to ask if the Official Google Blog is even an actual blog.

    中文: 但是今天博客们开始追问是否谷歌官方博客甚至是一个真正的博客。 更详细进入...
    The Washington Post, too, experimented with a blog open to outsiders, and also shut it down after a spate of vandalism.

    中文: 华盛顿邮报也试过建立一个向公众开放的博客,但最终也是因为汪达尔主义的破坏而被迫关闭。 更详细进入...

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