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For various reasons, the House and Senate, in their bicentennial year, have gotten off to an even slower start than usual.

For variant spellings deemed to be identical see Article 58. 关于拼法不一而视为相同,见第58条。
For variation, the woman can even lie completely flat, face down on the bed with her legs open, as her partner lies on top of her back, entering from behind. 如果要有所变化,女性可以完全平躺着,面部朝下,双脚打开,由趴在她背部的伴侣从后面进入。
For various kinds and great number of buildings, applying statistics theory would make data representational. 面对种类繁多、数量巨大的建筑物,为了使调查数据具有代表性,建议采用统计学原理进行调查。
For various reasons I'd prefer not to meet him. 由于各种原因,我不愿见他。
For various reasons, China's accession into the WTO was delayed. 由于种种原因,中国加入 世界贸易组织的时间被 推迟了.
For various reasons, the House and Senate, in their bicentennial year, have gotten off to an even slower start than usual. 由于种种原因,众参两院在这两百周年里,一开始[议程进度]就比往常迟缓。
For various stories of mine, I've crawled into black-bear dens for Sports Illustrated, hitched up dogsled racing teams for Smithsonian magazine, checked out the Lake Champlain monsterfor Science Digest, and canoed through the Boundary Waters wilderness ar 为了写那些内容各不相同的文章,我为《体育画报》爬进过黑熊窝;为《史密森期刊》替参赛的一组组狗套上过雪橇;为《科学文摘》调查过尚普兰湖水怪的真相;为《终点》杂志在明尼苏达划着小舟穿越美、加边界水域内的公共荒野保护区。
For vendors, standardization is a two-edged sword. 对于厂商来说,标准化是一把双刃剑。
For verbal or telephone orders or for telephonic reporting of critical test results, verify the complete order or test result by having the person receiving the order or test result read-backthe complete order or test result. 执行口头或电话医嘱或以电话报告重要的检查结果,应以“重复复诵”的方式以确保讯息接受者收到正确的医嘱或检查结果的报告。
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. 18我实在告诉你们,就是到天地都废去了,律法的一点一画也不能废去,都要成全。
For verily, when we were with you, we told you before that we should suffer tribulation; even as it came to pass, and ye know. 4我们在你们那里的时候,豫先告诉你们,我们必受患难,以后果然应验了,你们也知道。

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