中文: 黄土高原三趾马红土的观察(英文) 更详细进入...
The sedimentation compression lines of natural clays, intrinsic compression lines of reconstituted clays and oedometer compression curves can be normalized by a void index, then the difference of the structural clays and reconstituted clays as well as the
中文: 用孔隙指数来归一化天然粘土的沉积压缩曲线、重塑土的压缩曲线和固结仪压缩曲线,可以很清晰地揭示出结构性土与重塑土的内在差别、固结仪试验中土体结构性的渐进破坏过程。 更详细进入...
In combination with the injection depth of pile at each hit, the continuous variation of the bearing capacity of the pile endpoint soil with the depth can also be calculated.
中文: 结合每一锤的贯入度(或每一锤时桩的入土深度),还可获得桩端土承载力随深度连续变化的测试结果。 更详细进入...
Distribution,accumulation and transportation of rare earth elements in soil-Dicranopteris linearis system at South Jiangxi
中文: 稀土元素在赣南非稀土矿区和不同稀土矿区土壤-铁芒萁(Dicranopteris linearis)系统中的分布、累积和迁移 更详细进入...
Land Registration agency; Land Affairs law.
中文: 土地登记事务代理;土地事务法律。 更详细进入...
When we compare a conventional reinforced concrete bridge with fiberglass Bridge a fiberglass is 5 times lighter than conventional concrete.
中文: 当我们比较传统的混凝土桥和玻璃纤维桥时,后者的重量是混凝土桥的五分之一。 更详细进入...
Abstract: By taking the backfilling of foundation with soil mixture of clay, lime, coal slag and gravel as an example, the main factors affecting the compressive strength of this kind of soil mixture is analyzed through a series of physical and mechanical
中文: 文摘:以由粘土、石灰、炉渣、石子组成的材料(四合土)对地基进行回填处理的工程为例,通过一系列四合土物理力学性能试验,分析影响四合土抗压强度的主要因素。 更详细进入...
With tabia which is composed of saline soil, lime and crushed stone as an example of backfill engineering, a series of experiments of physical and mechanical properties were carried out to investigate the compressive strength and contributing factors of t
中文: 摘要以由盐渍土、石灰、石子组成的材料(三合土)对地基进行回填处理工程为例,通过一系列三合土物理力学性能实验,分析了三合土的抗压强度以及影响因素。 更详细进入...
Nowadays, land resource has become exiguous, especially in Beijing. To some extent, a real estate's strength depends on her land backup.
中文: 时至今日,土地资源已成为一种稀缺资源,尤其是在寸土寸金的北京,衡量一家房地产公司是否真正具备实力很大程度上依赖于他手里的土地储备量。 更详细进入...
After watching the English Channel slip by,France appeared,the land carved into squares of green and brown.
中文: 在飞掠过英吉利海峡后,法国的国土出现了,她的土地呈现出一块块绿色和咖啡色. 更详细进入...
This paper studied the effect of different individual rare earth elements and compounds on growth and development of pigling,middle pig and big pig.
中文: 本文探讨了不同单一稀土,不同稀土化合物对仔猪、中猪和育肥猪生长发育的影响。 更详细进入...
Land may not be sold, leased, mortgaged or illegally transferred by any other means.
中文: 不动产指的是土地及土地上附着物。 更详细进入...
中文: 用天然钙质膨润土制取有机膨润土 更详细进入...
After finished pot, water is necessary, there is not kept water too much, which could be destroy the roots for more water in the pot.
中文: 栽好后马上浇透水一次,以后看盆土干湿情况浇水,因为牡丹是肉质根,盆土不太宜湿,浇水过多,盆土长时间过湿,还会烂根。 更详细进入...
25 When Methuselah had lived one hundred and eighty-seven years, he became the father of Lamech.
中文: 25玛土撒拉活到一百八十七岁,生了拉麦. 更详细进入...
After the first casting, the deflection can be checked and modified using shim plates.
中文: 第一次浇注混凝土后,挠度可用垫片调整。 更详细进入...
Clay can be moulded into almost any shape.
中文: 粘土可以被塑造成几乎任何的一种形状。 更详细进入...
Saruman: Take back the lands they stole from you, burn every village!
中文: 抢回被他们偷走的土地,烧毁每一个村庄! 更详细进入...
Some of the areas in the west are poor because the land there is impossible to cultivate.
中文: 西部的一些地区很穷,因为土地不宜耕作。 更详细进入...
They still have to manually dig in such a large area?
中文: 难道他们要人工挖掘如此大的一片土地??? 更详细进入...