英文: A subsidy from a government to an industry.
中文: 补助费政府给予工矿企业的补助
英文: About 16,000 childless Korean couples will be able to obtain a government subsidy for half the cost of their IVF treatment.
中文: 大约16000对没有子女的韩国夫妇将能在其接受试管受精治疗时,获得半额的政府津贴。
英文: Accommodation: free furnitured accommodation with a bedroom, a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom, bedding items, a computer, a telephone, a refrigerator, microwave, washing machine, a television set, DVD player and air-conditioner etc., and a subsidy of
中文: 住宿条件:提供附设厨房、卫生间、家具、卧具、空调、电脑、电话、电视机、DVD播放器、电冰箱、微波炉、洗衣机、电热水器等设施的两居室以上住房;电费补助300度/月,本地通话免费。
英文: Accommodation: free furnitured accommodation with a bedroom, a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom, bedding items, a computer, a telephone, a refrigerator, microwave, washing machine, a television set, DVD player and air-conditioner etc., and a subsidy of
中文: 住宿条件:提供附设厨房、卫生间、家具、卧具、空调、电脑、电话、电视机、DVD播放器、电冰箱、微波炉、洗衣机、电热水器等设施的两居室以上住房;电费补助200元/月,本地通话免费。
英文: Also, the incidence of a tax or subsidy is usually split between producers and consumers.
中文: 同样,征税或者津贴的发生通常会在生产者和消费者之间分离。