英文: Daniel wants to see an agreement between the two clubs,Baster told the Spanish press.
中文: “丹尼尔希望看到两支俱乐部之间达成转会协议,”巴斯特对西班牙出版社说。
英文: Even a simple discussion of a disagreement slows wound healing.
中文: 哪怕是意见不和时的小争执都会减慢伤口的愈合速度.
英文: I have agreed to call [Hoeness] when things are cleared up with Chelsea, but we have not reached an agreement with Chelsea yet.
中文: “我已经答应了赫内斯当切尔西这边尘埃落定后就给他打电话,但是现在我们仍然没有与俱乐部达成一致。”
英文: I thank everyone at the club. I would have liked to have stayed but we found an amicable agreement to go our separate ways.
中文: 我感谢俱乐部里的每个人,我原本愿意呆在那里,但是我们达成了共识即分道扬镳。
英文: I think that some small disagreement is physiological and there always has been at Juve, like in any other club, but it's not for this reason that we must talk about a rift.
中文: 随着不是俱乐部的每个人都信任迪迪埃德尚的评论一出,阿列西奥-塞科想要澄清俱乐部和前摩纳哥队主教练没有任何问题。