英文: Although the huge majority of Americans are peace-loving and non-violent, most Americans today admit that they may possible be mugged some time in their life.
中文: 尽管绝大部分的美国人热爱和平、反对暴力,然而今天,大部分的美国人却承认在他们的生活中,很有可能某个时候就会被打死。
英文: He favored the efforts to improve relations with all peace-loving countries.
中文: 译文:他赞成为了同所有爱好和平的国家改善关系而进行的努力。
英文: I hope that all of us here today will join hands with all other peace-loving people and work for a lasting world peace and common development and prosperity of all nations and regions.
中文: 我希望,在座各位,以及一切爱好和平的人们携起手来,为共同促进世界的持久和平和各国各地区的普遍发展与繁荣而努力!
英文: In the wake of their great victory in the worldwide war against Fascism, peace-loving nations across the globe placed on the United Nations their hopes for a better world of peace, development and cooperation.
中文: 爱好和平的各国人民在赢得世界反法西斯战争伟大胜利后,把建设一个和平、发展、合作的美好世界的愿望寄托于联合国。
英文: The Jewish is a peace-loving nation, so it is believed that the irrational factors in the Zionism will be overcome so that a peace approach can be eventually completed in the Middle East.
中文: 犹太民族是爱好和平的民族,相信它能够战胜犹太复国主义中的非理性成分,使中东走向全面和平。