英文: Ewald Walgenbach (CEO of Direct Group Bertelsmann and a member of the Bertelsmann AG Executive Board), “Media provides people with inspiration.
中文: 埃瓦尔德·瓦尔根巴赫,贝塔斯曼直接集团首席执行官兼董事会成员埃瓦尔德·瓦尔根巴赫说:“媒体给人们带来灵感。
英文: For the week ended Nov 23, In the Zone,released by Jive, a unit of Bertelsmann AG's BMG, sold an estimated 609,000 units, the fourth highest opening in 2003, behind efforts by rapper 50 Cent, Linkin Park and Clay Aiken.
中文: 到11月23日截止,贝塔斯曼集团手下的宝利金唱片公司负责发行的小甜甜的新专辑《在这里》共计售出609000张,这也是2003第四高首发销售量,排在流星乐合唱团'五角'联合公园'和克莱依之后。
英文: Once Sony and Bertelsmann fused their record subsidiaries into Sony BMG, the merged entity had an average 20-25% share in national markets.
中文: 当索尼和贝塔斯曼将其唱片部门整合成为索尼BMG后,该合并体就占领了美国市场平均20-25%的市场份额。