Unfortunately, the chemotherapy had little effect on the cancer; her tumors shrank only by about 20%, not enough to be removed surgically.
中文: 不幸的是,化疗对她的癌症几乎不起作用,她的肿瘤仅缩小了大约20%,还不能做手术切除。 更详细进入...
Nearly two out of three cancer survivors and their families say something good has come out of the experience, according to a new poll from USA TODAY/Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard School of Public Health.
中文: 根据「今曰美国报」、凯瑟家庭基金会与哈佛公卫学院联合进行的最新民调,将近三分之二的癌症幸存者与其家属认为罹癌经验让他们因祸得福。 更详细进入...
Stay away from tanning salons. The International Agency for Research on Cancer has unequivocally linked sunbed tanning among young people to melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer.
中文: 避免光顾美容院或健身室照太阳灯,晒出一身古铜色皮肤。国际癌症研究署明确表示年轻人晒太阳灯,可增加患恶性黑色瘤皮肤癌的机会。 更详细进入...
An investigative story by Xinhua last June said a high rate of cancer deaths has become a reality in areas where the environment is heavily polluted.
中文: 新华社去年六月的一则调查报道称,癌症高死亡率在一些污染严重的地区已成为事实。 更详细进入...
Bestilny LJ,Brown CB,Miura Y,et al.Selective inhibition telomerase activity during terminal differentiation of immortal cell lines[J].Cancer,1996,56:3796.
中文: 杨文涛,许良中,张泰明,等.恶性淋巴瘤中端粒酶活性及其意义[J].中国癌症杂志,2000,10(4):323-325. 更详细进入...
Concrete alkali-aggregate reaction can be great damage to the concrete, which is called the cancer of content.
中文: 摘要混凝土碱骨料反应对混凝土的结构会产生相当大的危害,被称之为混凝土的癌症。 更详细进入...
There is growing evidence that substance in our“well-balanced" diets contribute to cancer and other degenerative diseased.
中文: 越来越多的证据表明,我们的“平衡"膳食中的成分会导致癌症和其他质变性疾病的发生. 更详细进入...
Anita Mui: [I tell you calmly, yes, I have cancer, I have cervical cancer, it is benign, not last stage, you don't wait at my house, like waiting for me to die.
中文: 梅艳芳:我平静的告诉你们,是的,我是癌症,我有子宫颈癌,但是是属于良性的,不是末期没得救的,大家不要每天在楼下等消息,像在等我死一样。 更详细进入...
Knowing all the genes whose mutation is involved in cancer would help researchers understand natural anti-cancer mechanisms and thus design better diagnoses and treatments.
中文: 掌握哪些基因的突变导致了癌症将会让科学家们对人体先天抗癌机制有更进一步的理解,从而推动更加有效的诊断及治疗方法的研发。 更详细进入...
In the same way that antibiotics and vaccines rid the world of infectious plagues a half century ago, says Lanza, these cells could for the first time eradicate the chronic, degenerative diseases of our day, such as cancer, Alzheimer's, and heart disease.
中文: 兰扎说,就像半个世纪前抗生素和疫苗使世界免受感染之苦一样,这些细胞可以第一次根治癌症、早老性痴呆症及心脏病等慢性病和变性疾病。 更详细进入...
Preliminary studies have shown that cancer patients who also had autoimmune diseases gained relief from autoimmune symptoms after they received bone marrow transplants to replace their own marrow that had been killed by high-dose chemotherapy to treat the
中文: 初步研究已经显示,因接受高剂量化疗而导致骨髓受损的自体免疫疾病癌症病患,在接受骨髓移植之后,其自体免疫疾病的症状有减轻的现象。 更详细进入...
That wholeness has nothing to do with missing parts and everything to do with spirit.
中文: 毕竟,我12岁那年就开始与癌症进行斗争并失去了我的腿,然后便成为了世界滑雪运动员。 更详细进入...
For these reasons we believe that cancer patient should be given some form of psychotherapy treatment that would help them with the adaptation of their new condition.
中文: 因此,我们认为应该对癌症病人辅以心理治疗,这将有助于帮助他们去适应他们新的情况。 更详细进入...
Systems biology will help unravel the mysteries of human immunity and identify strategies for preventing diseases such as cancer, arthritis, and AIDS.
中文: 系统生物学可以帮助解开人类免疫之谜,提供防治象癌症、关节炎以及爱滋等疾病的方法。 更详细进入...
With more than ' 100,000 still needed, the deadline for payment to the Hutchinson Cancer Research Center had to be pushed back to June 11.
中文: 由于还差100000多美元,因此向霍金斯癌症研究中心付款的截止限期不得不推迟到6月11日。 更详细进入...
Hormonal contraception seems to reduce the incidence of some sexually transmitted diseases. In addition, the hormonal contraception may protect from endometriosis, endometrial polyps and the formation of endometrial cancer.
中文: 激素类避孕药似乎可以降低某些性传播疾病的几率。此外,激素类避孕药也可以预防子宫内膜异位症、子宫内膜息肉和子宫内膜癌症的形成。 更详细进入...
Although a few governments have taken limited measures, the population continues to puff its way to a cancerous death.
中文: 虽然一些政府已经制定出了一些有限的制度,但是吸烟者的数量继续上,向癌症死亡迈进。 更详细进入...
when the tuberculosis history is more longer. The first is gland cancer,9 cases,the next is imbricate cancer cases,the third is the cellule cancer, cases,the fourth is the bronchus cancer, cases.
中文: 肺结核合并肺癌以腺癌最多 9例 ,其次为鳞癌 例 ,未分化小细胞癌 例 ,支气管肺泡癌 例。 更详细进入...
Since evidence shows anti-estrogen drugs will fail in a many patients with estrogen-receptor-positive breast cancer,says Knudsen, our research suggests that physicians should examine both estrogen receptor status and RB tumor suppressor status during the
中文: 证据表明,抗雌激素药物对雌激素受体阳性乳癌将失效,我们的研究提示,为了给那些特殊癌症患者制定最有效的治疗方法,医生应该在开始诊断时检测雌激素受体和RB抑癌基因状况。 更详细进入...
Results Nine patients (0.%) with abdominal tumor, ectopic pancreas of antral gaster, gastric cancer, primary hepatocellular carcinoma, right colic cancer, rectal cancer were found.
中文: 其中胃窦异位胰腺例,胃癌 例,原发性肝癌例,升结肠癌例,直肠癌例。 更详细进入...