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In the same way that antibiotics and vaccines rid the world of infectious plagues a half century ago, says Lanza, these cells could for the first time eradicate the chronic, degenerative diseases of our day, such as cancer, Alzheimer's, and heart disease.

In the same time, the day-students had thronged out of the East gate of school. 与此同时,那些家在本城的走读生们,也正三三两两涌出东面学校的大门。
In the same way he made four-sided jambs of olive wood for the entrance to the main hall. 33又用橄榄木、制造外殿的门框、门口有墙的四分之一。
In the same way it charges for web-based searches, advertisers will pay each time a user clicks on their advert link, at rates established by advertisers in online auctions. 同样,该服务对于基于网页的搜索并非免费。每次一顾客对其广告的点击都会对广告商们产生相应的费用。具体的费用取决于广告商们在线的竞价高低。
In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. 像这样,除了神的灵,也没有人知道神的事。
In the same way our vineyards have fought the invasion of phylloxera for over a century. 以同样的决心,纽曼希亚的葡萄园也对抗根芽虫病长达一个世纪。
In the same way that antibiotics and vaccines rid the world of infectious plagues a half century ago, says Lanza, these cells could for the first time eradicate the chronic, degenerative diseases of our day, such as cancer, Alzheimer's, and heart disease. 兰扎说,就像半个世纪前抗生素和疫苗使世界免受感染之苦一样,这些细胞可以第一次根治癌症、早老性痴呆症及心脏病等慢性病和变性疾病。
In the same way that diseases range from the common cold to fatal forms of cancer, crimes vary in degree. 从普通的感冒到各种致命的癌症,疾病有轻有重,违法犯罪也同样有轻重之分。
In the same way that natural phenomena are interpreted by a physicist according to a theory of physics, linguistic phenomena are interpreted within the framework of a general theory of language structure. 跟自然现象被物理学家按照一定的物理理论进行解释一样,语言现象也在一种关于语言构架的普遍理论中进行解释。
In the same way that our members send their best teams, FIFA owes it to itself, in its own flagship competition, to send out the best referees. 就像所有的球队选拔出最优秀的球员一样,FIFA也用自己的方式选拔出最出色的裁判。
In the same way the surface of the whole earth reflects enough of the sun's light on to the face of the moon for us to be able see the parts of it which would otherwise be dark. 译:同样整个地球表面将充足的阳光反射到月球表面,使我们能够看到原本会是黑暗的那部分月球表面。
In the same way then at the present time also there has come into being a remnant according to the selection of grace. 5在现今的时候,也是这样,照着恩典的拣选,还有剩下的余数。

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