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Unfortunately, the chemotherapy had little effect on the cancer; her tumors shrank only by about 20%, not enough to be removed surgically.

Unfortunately, the acid dissolution technique was not successful with the layer of black rock that we had targeted. 很可惜的,酸溶解技术在我们想要的黑色岩层上行不通。
Unfortunately, the addition of rain or ice alleviates only some of the discrepancy; the fields in thunderstorms still appear to be too weak to generate a conventional discharge. 遗憾的是,雨或冰的加入,仅解决了部份矛盾,雷暴中的电场显然还是太弱,无法产生一般的放电现象。
Unfortunately, the baskets cannot reach every floor of a building because the ropes from which they hang become unstable beyond a certain length. 不幸的是,由于悬挂救生篮的绳索在超出一定长度后就会非常不稳定,所以救生篮无法达到每一层楼。
Unfortunately, the bungling inefficiency of these amateur detectives has turned the International Space Police Force into a worldwide laughing-stock, and earned them the nickname Star Cops. 不幸的是,这些笨拙无能的业余侦探让国际空间警察局变成了一个世界性的笑柄,他们获得了一个昵称星际警察'。
Unfortunately, the check-in process can be 20)time consuming. 不幸的是,登记过程可能要耗费多点时间。
Unfortunately, the chemotherapy had little effect on the cancer; her tumors shrank only by about 20%, not enough to be removed surgically. 不幸的是,化疗对她的癌症几乎不起作用,她的肿瘤仅缩小了大约20%,还不能做手术切除。
Unfortunately, the creation of Internet-scale applications remains an imposing challenge. 遗憾的是,要设计出网际网路规模的应用程式仍是艰钜的挑战。
Unfortunately, the donkey missed its footing and broke all the kiln wares. 那驴子忽然失了一脚,身子一歪,把背上所负的窑器都落在地上打碎了。
Unfortunately, the energy stores used is not your stored fat, but instead it's protein and carbohydrates (carbs) that will supply most of the energy (stored fat makes up a very small percentage). 不幸的是,储备能量的消耗不是储备脂肪的消耗,需要补给更多的能量以抵作蛋白质及碳水化合物(储备脂肪只制造很小的部分)。
Unfortunately, the fashion for legibility research was over by the time that revolutionary changes in printing and display technology (ie, laser printing and PC display screens) made it actually of potential interest. 不幸的是,当印刷和显示技术发生巨大变革(如激光照排和PC屏幕显示)的时代来临时,易读性研究的风潮已经过去,导致(易读性研究)实际上成为了一种只具有“潜在价值”的研究。
Unfortunately, the general in charge, Yi Sung Gye, mounted a coup instead and founded the Chosun (Yi) Dynasty. 不幸的是,当权的将军李成桂,政变登位并建立了李朝。

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