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That wholeness has nothing to do with missing parts and everything to do with spirit.

That which you vividly imangine,sincerely believe, ardently desire and enthusiastically act upon, will inevitably come to pass. 只要你大胆想像,真心相信,热切向往,全力投入,则心想事成。
That white cat was scratching around in my onion bed again and so I took a cockshot at it with a lump of earth. 那只白猫又在我的洋葱苗床里乱抓一通了,因此我拿起泥块朝它乱扔一气。
That white round thing without any holes… have you ever seen anything more revolting than an egg yolk breaking and spilling its yellow liquid? 那个没有任何洞的白色圆形物……你还看到过比打破的蛋黄溢出黄色液体更让人反感的东西吗?
That white woman held a baby in her right arm and carried a travel bag in her left hand. 那位白人妇女右臂抱着一个婴儿,左手提着一个旅行袋。
That who shows fanatical worship to that actor has been crowded into his dressing room doorway. 对那位演员表示崇拜的狂热者们挤进了他的化妆室门口。
That wholeness has nothing to do with missing parts and everything to do with spirit. 毕竟,我12岁那年就开始与癌症进行斗争并失去了我的腿,然后便成为了世界滑雪运动员。
That widow is a kind person. 那个寡妇是个善良的人。
That will add another $6.1 billion for this funding round. 这使得此次筹款要额外增加61亿美元。
That will at times bring the service into conflict with “people who think you are too sophisticated and you've got too much technological overmatch,” said Keys. 基斯表示,偶尔也会让部队介入与“认为你很狡猾并且拥有太多技术优势的人”的冲突中。
That will be a good brand. Go on. “很不错的牌子哦。还有吗。”
That will be a good brand. Goon. “那会是一个好牌子。傻瓜。”

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