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    We mourn for our fallen soldiers.

    中文: 我们哀悼阵亡的兵士。 更详细进入...
    The dead soldiers were mourned by their womenfolk.

    中文: 士兵死亡後, 女眷表示沉痛哀悼. 更详细进入...
    Sometimes you win and sometimes you don't, but the important thing is to know where you're going wrong.

    中文: “胜败乃兵家常事,关键是你必须知道你哪里做的不够好。 更详细进入...
    And they will call the farmer to mourning, And for wailing to those skilled in lamentation.

    中文: 又必叫农夫来哭号,叫善唱哀歌的来哀哭。 更详细进入...
    Tears are not necessarily of sadness, remember.

    中文: 眼泪不必定悲哀,记得。 更详细进入...
    The soldier disabled by wounds in his leg is buried in sadness.

    中文: 那个腿部受伤致残的士兵正沉浸在悲哀之中。 更详细进入...
    The battle is to the strong.

    中文: 强者必胜。 更详细进入...
    Truth will prevail.

    中文: 真理必胜。 更详细进入...
    Truth will conquer.

    中文: 真理必胜。 更详细进入...
    If the pharaoh won the battle, the conquered people had to recognise the Egyptian pharaoh as their ruler and offer him the finest and most valuable goods from their land.

    中文: 胜利后,被俘虏的人必须服从法老的法度,并且去当士兵(奴隶),还必须个提供大部分他们国家的财物。 更详细进入...
    You shall most certainly both do and prevail.

    中文: 你必有作为,也必得胜。 更详细进入...
    And I will turn your feasts into mourning And all your songs into lamentation; And I will bring up sackcloth upon all the loins And baldness upon every head; And I will make it like the mourning for an only child And the end of it like a bitter day.

    中文: 10我必使你们的节期变为悲哀,一切歌曲变为哀歌;我必使众人腰束麻布,头上光秃;也必使这场悲哀如丧独生子,至终如痛苦的日子一样。 更详细进入...
    Then her gates will mourn and lament, And she, being desolated, will sit on the ground.

    中文: 26锡安的城门必悲伤、哀号,她必荒凉坐在地上。 更详细进入...
    The officers led their men to victory in battle.

    中文: 军官们率领士兵在战斗中取得了胜利。 更详细进入...
    Slow and steady wins the race.

    中文: 【谚】慢而稳,赛必胜。 更详细进入...
    Therefore I will wail for Moab, I will even cry out for all Moab; There will be mourning for the men of Kir-heres.

    中文: 31因此,我要为摩押哀号,为全摩押呼喊;人必为吉珥哈列设人哀叹。 更详细进入...
    We must enlist more men.

    中文: 我们必须征募更多士兵。 更详细进入...
    In that day shall there be a great mourning in Jerusalem, as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon.

    中文: 11那日,耶路撒冷必有大大的悲哀,如米吉多平原之哈达临门的悲哀。 更详细进入...
    [bbe] For this cause everyone in Moab will give cries of grief for Moab: crushed to the earth, they will be weeping for the men of Kir-hareseth.

    中文: 因此,摩押人必为摩押哀号,人人都要哀号。你们摩押人要为吉珥哈列设的葡萄饼哀叹,极其忧伤。 更详细进入...
    Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

    中文: 哀恸的人有福了,因为他们必得安慰. 更详细进入...

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