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The officers led their men to victory in battle.

The officer's violation of a regulation is more of jeopardy than the enlisted man's offense. 当官的违背规则制度,不单纯是一种危险,更是对士兵的伤害。
The officers answered, Never has a man spoken the way this man speaks. 约7:46差役回答说、从来没有像他这样说话的。
The officers are expected to speak English fluently. 军官应该讲一口流利的英语。
The officers feel “uneasy” and “closely watched” while wearing the new garment, said Hans van Duijn, the union chairman. “Even a white bra shows through the fabric,” he explained. 据法新社5月24日援引荷兰《共同日报》的报道说,荷兰警察协会目前已接到20名女警对新款警服的投诉。
The officers had to muck in with their men. 军官须与士兵同住.
The officers led their men to victory in battle. 军官们率领士兵在战斗中取得了胜利。
The officers were brawling commands. 军官们大声地喊口令。
The officers' mess at Wellington Barracks in central London was sealed off after the bug was found in the water supply. 在发现供给水中有病菌后,位于伦敦中心惠灵顿兵营官兵们的膳食已被封锁.
The official China Daily newspaper quotes a poverty alleviation official as saying the poverty line should be raised to the internationally-accepted level of one dollar a day. 中国官方的中国日报援引一位扶贫官员的话说,中国的贫困线应当提到国际普遍接受的水平,即一天收入在一美元以下。
The official China News Service said Wednesday the capsule was expected to orbit the Earth 80 times before landing in China's northern grasslands. 中国新闻社周三报道飞船将绕地球80圈,然后在中国北部大草原降落。
The official Korean Central News Agency reports Wednesday that a foreign espionage agency coerced the North Koreans with money, sex and blackmail. 官方的朝中社星期三报导,一个外国间谍机构利用金钱、美色和勒索威逼利诱了这些北韩人。

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