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    This world is the world of wild storms kept tame with the music of beauty.

    中文: 这世界乃是为美之音乐所驯服了的狂风骤雨的世界。 更详细进入...
    Isolating of Two Pure Bacterial Cultures for Degradation of Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)

    中文: 两株甲基叔丁基醚(MTBE)降解菌的驯化分离及降解试验 更详细进入...
    Like the bronco riders, kids competed to see who could hang on for dear life and stay on the animal the longest.

    中文: 孩子们像驯马牛仔那样看谁能在羊背上呆最长的时间。 更详细进入...
    The children would fill their shoes with straw and food for St Nicholas's for the reindeer that carried the gifts.

    中文: 孩子们会在鞋中放上草料和食物来慰劳驼礼物的驯鹿。 更详细进入...
    He can deal with big-name players (Henrik Larsson), as well as awkward ones (Craig Bellamy).

    中文: 他不仅能够和像亨里克·拉尔森这样的大牌球星相处融洽,也能够驯服贝拉米这样的刺头。 更详细进入...
    Diversity Analysis of Desulfuration Bacterium from the Oxidation Ditch of City Sewage Treatment Plant with SO2 Gas

    中文: SO2诱导驯化城市污水处理厂氧化沟微生物的多样性分析 更详细进入...
    Music has charms to soothe a savage beast, to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak.

    中文: 音乐有魅力,能够驯服野兽,软化石头,弯折纠结的老橡树。 更详细进入...
    Therefore, “dogs' social-communicative skills with humans were acquired during the process of domestication.

    中文: 所以,「狗与人之间的社交技巧,是在驯化的过程中获得的。」 更详细进入...
    Effects of Phenol Acclimation on Growth and Phenol Biodegradation of Chlorella pyreniodosa and Spirulina maxima

    中文: 驯化过程对小球藻和螺旋藻生长及酚降解能力的影响 更详细进入...
    Responses of Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera:Coccinellidae) adults to cold acclimation and the related changes of activities of several enzymes in their bodies

    中文: 异色瓢虫成虫冷驯化反应及体内几种酶活力的相关变化 更详细进入...
    A domestic animal is the highest being of animals, other incarnations then proceed in a human body.

    中文: 一个驯养的动物是最高的生命的动物,然后继续赋予人身。 更详细进入...
    Improving the Acrylamide-tolerance of Nitrile Hydratase in Nocardia sp. by Extreme Cultivation

    中文: 极端条件驯化法提高腈水合酶产生菌的丙烯酰胺耐受性 更详细进入...
    Adaptive Plasticity in Metabolic Rate and Organ Masses among Pycnonotus sinensis,in Seasonal Acclimatization

    中文: 白头鹎的代谢率与器官重量在季节驯化中的可塑性变化 更详细进入...
    It is popularly argued that the tameness of the downturn was the benign result of the American economy's increased flexibility, better inventory control and the Fed's firmer grip on inflation.

    中文: 一般认为驯服衰退受惠于美国经济不断增强的灵活性,改善的库存控制和联储对通胀的有力掌控。 更详细进入...
    These late Stone Age settlers had finely polished stone tools, and they had domesticated cereals and sheep.

    中文: 查脱户耶克的居民生活在石器时代晚期,不仅会制造细致的磨制石器,也已经驯化了谷类与羊。 更详细进入...
    The antler is a bone tissue which can be regenerated postnatally annually.

    中文: 摘要鹿茸角是雄鹿(驯鹿除外)一种后天可逐年再生的骨组织。 更详细进入...
    Metabolism of winter-acclimatized new Holland honeyeaters Phylidonyris novaehollandiae from Hobart, Tasmania

    中文: 澳洲塔斯马尼亚霍巴特冬季驯化黄翅澳蜜鸟的代谢率(英文) 更详细进入...
    Generation of a MDCK Cell Line to Suspension Culture by Stably Experessing Human Siat7eGene

    中文: 稳定表达人Siat7e基因的MDCK细胞系的建立和全悬浮细胞的驯化 更详细进入...
    Santa is invisible to children since no one has actually seen him, his sleigh, or reindeer on Christmas Eve.

    中文: 在圣诞节前夕,孩子们是看不见圣诞老人的,因为实际上没有人看见过他、他的雪橇以及他的驯鹿。 更详细进入...
    She liked the other animals in the circus and her trainer, Archie, took very good care of her.

    中文: 她很喜欢马戏团里的其它动物,她的驯兽师阿奇也非常照顾她。 更详细进入...

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