These large pools of ammonia are detrimental to seedling growth and are very susceptible to gaseous loss by volatilization before chemical conversion back to the ammonium and nitrate forms.
这些氨的大量存在对幼苗生长产生危害,同时也很容易在转化为铵态氮和硝态氮之前挥发损失。 |
These larger parrotfish are fantastic grazers, making the algae cover fourfold less inside the park than outside the reserve.
这些较大的鹦嘴鱼是出色的食草动物,使公园内的藻类覆盖面积仅为保护区之外的四分之一。 |
These last three means of yoga have a more intimate subjective effect than the previous means.
最后三个瑜珈阶段比先前的方式更趋近于内在的主体作用。 |
These last two items actually block on a semaphore embedded in the timer or message data structure.
后两种方式实际上被定时器结构或者消息结构内置的信号量给阻塞了。 |
These last two—incarceration and rehabilitation—are often cast as competitors in the tussle for scarce resources.
为了稀少的资源,钳闭和复原常常被认为是格斗中的竞争者。 |
These late Stone Age settlers had finely polished stone tools, and they had domesticated cereals and sheep.
查脱户耶克的居民生活在石器时代晚期,不仅会制造细致的磨制石器,也已经驯化了谷类与羊。 |
These late bloomers dare to dispel doubts, change tracks and launch themselves into careers they had long dreamed of.
这些年龄较大的人,敢于克服自我怀疑,改变生活轨迹,全心投入他们梦想的事业。 |
These latest additions to our product line are used to scalp water from feed material to facilitate further fines processing.
这是生产线中最新加入的设施,利用重力作用,把不少石料自动分化并在计算机的控制下,产生出客户所需级配的砂石料。 |
These laws are defined as Newton's laws of motion.
这些定律被定义为牛顿运动定律。 |
These laws forced black people to attend separate schools, live in separate areas of a city and sit in separate areas on a bus.
法律强迫黑人在不同的学校受教育,区分居住的区域,在公车上必须坐在不同的座位。 |
These laws would declare ideas to be another industrial product, no more noble than pig iron.
然后这些法律就会宣布「思想」变成另一种工业产品,跟「生铁」(等矿产)一样寻常的「产品」。 |