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She liked the other animals in the circus and her trainer, Archie, took very good care of her.

She like writing some unusual thing. 她喜欢写一些不同寻常的事.
She liked all the courses offered. 她对所开的课程都很喜欢。
She liked flashing her diamond necklace. 她喜欢炫耀自己的钻石项链。
She liked that the acupuncturist focused on her whole body and not just her face. 她喜欢针灸给予全身的而不只是脸部的治疗。
She liked the adventures of a spy. 她喜欢间谍的冒险。
She liked the other animals in the circus and her trainer, Archie, took very good care of her. 她很喜欢马戏团里的其它动物,她的驯兽师阿奇也非常照顾她。
She liked to listen to children talk. 她喜欢听孩子们谈话。
She liked to read romances. 她喜欢读传奇故事。
She liked to whistle and play rough games. 她喜欢吹口哨和玩激烈的游戏。
She likes Beethoven very much. 她很喜欢贝多芬的作品。
She likes all kinds of sports. 她喜欢各种运动。

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