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    A rage drake normally attacks using its Power Attack feat, taking a -5 penalty on its attack rolls and gaining a +5 bonus on damage rolls.

    中文: 狂暴龙兽通常会使用猛力攻击专长攻击,在攻击掷骰上受到-5减值并在伤害掷骰上得到+5的加值。 更详细进入...
    Killer whales may be the top of the food chain underwater, but they stand little chance against the eco-tourists who try to catch a glimpse of the majestic mammals rising above the water line.

    中文: 尽管逆戟鲸(也叫杀人鲸,是一种小型的食肉鲸鱼,性情凶猛)可能是海底世界的霸主,处于食物链的最高一级,然而面对那些想要一睹这种庞大的哺乳从海岸线浮出海面的壮观景象的观鲸者,它们显得那么不堪一击。 更详细进入...
    Of course, Americans don't hae a corner on the market when it comes to good cooking.

    中文: 当然,谈到好厨艺,美国人并非独占鳌头,无论您到世界何处,人们总是爱吃。 更详细进入...
    Our VIVID brand was initially developed in the beginning of the 1980s.

    中文: 雄厚的资金实力和先进的科研力量使我们一直在添加剂领域独占鳌头。 更详细进入...
    The sperm whale has about thirty teeth in its lower jaw.

    中文: 在抹香鲸的下颚上大约有30颗牙齿。 更详细进入...
    The Norwegian killer whale project (NORCA) was established in 1987 to study orca ecology in Tysfjord and around the nearby islands of Lofoten and Vesteralen.

    中文: 「挪威杀人鲸计画」(NORCA)创始于一九八七年,研究提斯峡湾与附近罗浮敦岛及西奥伦岛周围的虎鲸生态。 更详细进入...
    At the front gate, there's a huge water fountain with a bronze statue of a whale spouting a stream of water on which Mickey Mouse is surfing.

    中文: 游乐园门口是一个巨大的鲸鱼喷泉,水池中央有一条鲸鱼的青铜塑像,喷出水柱,米老鼠在上面冲浪。 更详细进入...
    Demonstrators attacked the police, using sticks and assorted missiles.

    中文: 示威者用棍棒和各种投掷物攻击警察。 更详细进入...
    When planning your investments, it's unwise to put all your eggs in one basket.

    中文: 当你计划投资时,孤注一掷是不明智的。 更详细进入...
    Discussion on the Sequence of Putting Force in the Last Hurl

    中文: 关于投掷最后用力中用力顺序的探讨 更详细进入...
    Japan, which says whaling is part of its culture, kills more than 1,000 whales a year using a loophole that allows hunting for scientific research.

    中文: 日本表示,捕鲸已经是他们文化的一部份,该国利用科学研究的漏洞,每年捕杀超过一千只鲸鱼。 更详细进入...
    The campaign is to target Japanese whaling ships, which the Fisheries Agency of Japan this year says are to more than double the catch of minke whale.

    中文: 这次战役针对的目标是日本的捕鲸船,因为今年日本渔业署表示将可捕抓超过两倍的小须鲸。 更详细进入...
    To protect the whale from the cold of the Arctic seas, na-ture has provided it with a thick covering of fat called blubber.

    中文: 大量的动物油是从鲸鱼身上得来的。鲸鱼是海里的庞然大物,是世界上现有动物中最大的一种。 更详细进入...
    This humpback mother whale still loves her freaky albino baby.

    中文: 驼背鲸妈妈仍然爱着她的白化病宝宝。 更详细进入...
    Let's toss up a penny for the chance to go first.

    中文: 我们掷一枚一便士的硬币来决定谁先去。 更详细进入...
    Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

    中文: 不要把蛋全放在一个篮子里;勿孤注一掷。 更详细进入...
    He is not lucky at the game, it is the fifth time he has crapped out now.

    中文: 他赌博不顺手,现在这是他第五次掷输了。 更详细进入...
    There's only one pillow I'll toss you for it.

    中文: 只有一个枕头--我跟你掷硬币决定谁用吧. 更详细进入...
    Loudest mammal - the Blue Whale. The second loudest is the Howler Monkey.

    中文: 最吵的哺乳动物-蓝鲸。第二吵的是吵猴。 更详细进入...
    The elder child pulls ahead, he said, perhaps as a result of learning gained through the process of tutoring younger brothers and sisters.

    中文: 年长的孩子独占鳌头,他说,可能是在教导年幼弟弟妹妹的过程中学习的结果。 更详细进入...

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