The spell words for this are not given, but these spells are very common, especially the broomstick variety.
虽然这个魔咒的咒语没有给出,但这些咒语(尤其是与飞天扫把有关的那些)使用得是很普遍的。 |
The spelling of this word is an interesting exception to the rule.
这个词的拼写很有趣,是本规则的例外。 |
The spending has been decreased in my family.
家庭支出已经被减少。 |
The spending is being decreased in my family.
现在我家庭出正被减少。 |
The spending will be decreased in my family next year.
未来的一年里,我的家庭中的支出被减少。 |
The sperm whale has about thirty teeth in its lower jaw.
在抹香鲸的下颚上大约有30颗牙齿。 |
The sperm whale is dangerous.
鲸鱼中抹香鲸最危险。 |
The spermatophores are extended by the Ca(superscript 2+)-FSW, gentamicin is also appended in the extender.
以无钙离子的人工海水作为青蟹人工授精的缓冲液,缓冲液中加入适量庆大黴素。 |
The spermatozoids of primitive plants are often positively chemotactic, swimming toward the female organs in response to a chemical secreted by the latter.
较原始的植物的游动精子有正向的趋化现象,总是游向由雌性器官所分泌的物质。 |
The sphere balances at any and every point.
自然界的平衡无所不在。 |
The sphincter muscles around the anus will not allow things to pass through easily unless you relax and take it slow.
一定要慢慢来,霸王硬上弓只会让括约肌越发紧张。 |