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At the front gate, there's a huge water fountain with a bronze statue of a whale spouting a stream of water on which Mickey Mouse is surfing.

At the foot of the hill lies a beautiful lake. 小山脚下有一个美丽的小湖。
At the foot of the mountain, limpid water of the lake follows the wavy terrain and becomes a serene river flowing east. 山脚下,清澈的湖水随山形地貌演变为一条宁静舒缓的河流,宛转而东去。
At the formal party I felt very awkward and out of place. 在正式的舞会上,我感到局促不安,很不自在。
At the founding meeting, members foresaw news and information exchange, annual meetings, a common newsletter, technical support, Union software, Union-wide design exchange and the exchange of user group activity info as components of the new Union. 在建盟会议上,被提议纳入新联盟的项目包括资讯交流、年会、共同会刊、技术支持服务、全盟应用程序、全盟设计交流、分享各组的活动资讯等。
At the front exit, there is a “Computer Street” for IT products on Jianguo Rd; “Sanfeng Central St” for sundry merchandise; and the Changming St as the “Ready-Made Clothes and Electronics Street” for electronic products, materials, and garments. 前站的建国路上有专卖电脑用品的「电脑街」,还有南北货集散中心的「三凤中街」;长明街上则有很多卖服饰、电子产品与材料的商店,而有「成衣电子街」之名。
At the front gate, there's a huge water fountain with a bronze statue of a whale spouting a stream of water on which Mickey Mouse is surfing. 游乐园门口是一个巨大的鲸鱼喷泉,水池中央有一条鲸鱼的青铜塑像,喷出水柱,米老鼠在上面冲浪。
At the front of the atlas there's a series of graphs. 在那本地图集前面有一系列的图表。
At the front of the first car ? looking out the window at the track that lay ahead ? were a man and his son. 在头节车厢的最前面,坐着一个男人和他的儿子。他们正透过窗户观赏着一直往前延伸的铁道。
At the front of the house, someone had planted a beautiful garden. 有人在房前种上了花,成了个漂亮的花园。
At the front, as Henry and some Italian ambulance drivers were eating in a dugout, an Austrian projectile exploded over them. 在前线,当亨利和几个意大利救护车驾驶员一起在地下掩蔽部吃饭的时候,一枚奥地利炮弹在他们上边爆炸。
At the funeral, he shed crocodile tears while actually feeling happy about the large fortune the deceased old man had left him. 葬礼上,他流了几滴假伤心的眼泪,内心却为死去的老人给他留下的大笔财产暗自高兴。

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