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    A Case of Comprehensive Rehabilitation of Trismus after Extraction

    中文: 综合康复治疗拔牙后张口困难例报道 更详细进入...
    Alzheimer's disease affects millions of people around the world.

    中文: 老年痴呆症影响着全世界上数百万的人口。 更详细进入...
    Just ahead is an exit,the mage said. Maybe two hundred yards.

    中文: “前面就是一个出口,”魔法师说道。“大概二百码。” 更详细进入...
    Pepsi and Coke have been arch rivals for a long time.

    中文: 百事和可口可乐长期以来都是主要的对手。 更详细进入...
    Having only access to 2 percent of life cannot be regarded as living. When a person can have a hundred percent life, why will he determine to have only 2 percent life?

    中文: 这样过只有百分之二的生活就根本不算是在生活。当一个人能过百分之一百的生活,为什么要决定过百分之二的生活呢? 更详细进入...
    But Jehovah will be a shelter to His people And a stronghold to the children of Israel.

    中文: 耶和华却要作祂百姓的避难所,作以色列人的保障。 更详细进入...
    His remarks were quite shocking unrepeatable, in fact.

    中文: 他说的话太让人难堪--真无法再说出口. 更详细进入...
    In Finley Ohio, hundreds remained in the shelters.

    中文: 在俄亥俄州芬得雷地区,数百人仍然呆在避难所中。 更详细进入...
    As the urban districts are overcrowded, you can hardly find a parking lot.

    中文: 由于城市人口拥挤,你很难找到停车场。 更详细进入...
    Leslie: On an order of six hundred, we can give you a discount of ten percent.

    中文: 六百的话,我们可以给你百分之十的折扣。 更详细进入...
    Is this another one of your surefire cures?

    中文: 这是你的又一个百分之百有效的疗法吗? 更详细进入...
    Botham made a century.

    中文: 博瑟姆得了一百分. 更详细进入...
    One Hundred Years of Schizophrenia?

    中文: 精神分裂症的百年? 更详细进入...
    In Findlay, Ohio, hundreds remain in a shelter.

    中文: 而在俄亥俄州芬德雷地区,仍有数百人留在避难所中。 更详细进入...
    Virgil is denied entrance and appears to be angered and perplexed.

    中文: 维吉尔在入口处被拒且看起来愤怒为难。 更详细进入...
    I wanted to reassure you that I always gave 100 per cent here.

    中文: 我想强调我在这里一直都是百分百的付出。 更详细进入...
    Authorities cut the tap water supply to more than two million people last week after an algae bloom smothered the lake, producing unpleasant tastes and odors in tap water.

    中文: 上个月,太湖流域蓝藻暴发,引发水质变坏,造成自来水散发出难闻的气味,有关当局切断了两百多万人口的水源供应。 更详细进入...
    Article 177 In distribution of its current year after-tax profit, a company shall allocate 10 percent to its statutory reserve fund, 5 to 10 percent to its statutory welfare fund.

    中文: 第一百七十七条:公司分配当年税后利润时,应当提取利润的百分之十列入公司法定公积金,并提取利润的百分之五至百分之十列入公司法定公益金。 更详细进入...
    Can't you think up a better excuse than that?

    中文: 难道你想不出比这个藉口更像样的了吗? 更详细进入...
    It wasn't easy scratching out a living in those hard time.

    中文: 在那段艰难的日子里,糊口是很不容易的。 更详细进入...

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