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    Burma's state-run newspaper The New Light of Myanmarreports that 66 pheasants and 60 quail died on two farms on the outskirts of the capital, Rangoon.

    中文: 缅甸官方的缅甸新光报报导,首都仰光附近的两个农场有66只野鸡和60只鹌鹑死亡。 更详细进入...
    Exhibit the prehistory, culture history, and natural sciences.

    中文: 陈列史前史、文化史和自然史。 更详细进入...
    Right Field(er) - Defensive outfielder who occupies a position in right field.

    中文: 右外野手:防御右外野附近的外野手。 更详细进入...
    It is of great value for the continuous improvement of the civil service system and full realization of governing for the people to summarize the selecting regulatory systems in history on the basis of the people's democratic dictatorship and to criticall

    中文: 在人民民主制度下科学地总结历史上选官制度更替的规律,并批判地吸取各种选官体制中的有益因素,对于公务员制度的不断完善和执政为民治国理念的充分实现,具有重要的史鉴价值。 更详细进入...
    History of humankind in the period before recorded history.

    中文: 史前史有历史记载之前的人类历史 更详细进入...
    It has also raised questions over Lord Goldsmith's own double-hatted role as government minister and the country's independent chief legal officer with a duty to act in the public interest.

    中文: 同样也引发另个疑惑:戈德史密斯勋爵作为政府高官与国家独立的首席司法官员的双重角色,如何行事才算符合公众利益呢? 更详细进入...
    Museum officials used this information to re-create some of the apartments as they would have looked during different time periods in the building's history.

    中文: 博物馆官员用这些信息重现了一些公寓,正如这个大楼在不同历史年代展现出的。 更详细进入...
    Characters of life cycle forms of Chelidonium majus populations in different habitats and their correlation to the contents of tannin,flavones and alkaloids in different organs

    中文: 不同生境白屈菜(Chelidonium majus)生活史型特征及其与不同器官单宁、黄酮、生物碱含量的关系 更详细进入...
    The film Beauty and the Beast was released in 1991 and is the only animated film ever nominated for the Best Picture Academy Award.

    中文: 电影《美女与野兽》于1991年面市,是影史上唯一一部提名奥斯卡“最佳影片奖”的动画电影。 更详细进入...
    Nevertheless the idea of throwing out the nation's dictator and instituting reform was one that attracted many officials in Nanking as well as members of the American embassy and the American State Department from the second year of the war right up until

    中文: 尽管如此从内战的第二年起,到蒋介石下野离开南京的那天为止,许多南京政府官员,以至美国驻华使馆官员和美国国务院的官员,未尝不想踢开中国的这位独裁者,实行改革。 更详细进入...
    An aide or an aide-de-camp.

    中文: 副官,侍从武官 更详细进入...
    The point of history is the relationship between the Han and the Hungary.

    中文: 史书是官方记载,注重的是汉与匈奴的交往;歌谣出现于民间,关注的是昭君的命运。 更详细进入...
    Mt. 13:39 And the enemy who sowed them is the devil; and the harvest is the consummation of the age; and the reapers are angels.

    中文: 太十三39撒稗子的仇敌就是魔鬼,收割的时候就是这世代的终结,收割的人就是天使。 更详细进入...
    Relationship between Organogenesis and Endogenous Hormone Contents of Some Wild Legume Plants from Genus Caragana Fabr. Cultured in Vitro

    中文: 几种野生豆科锦鸡儿属(Caragana Fabr.)植物离体培养过程中器官分化和内源植物激素含量的关系 更详细进入...
    Germany's trade surplus grows again in July as exports hold near historical highs, official figures show.

    中文: 德国的贸易盈馀当做在历史的高点附近的出口把握在七月再生长,官方的数据显示。 更详细进入...
    The Lord Chancellor recommends the High Court and circuit judges.

    中文: 娃哈哈官推荐高等法官和巡回法官。 更详细进入...
    The judge or judges composing a court.

    中文: 法官(们)法官或组成法庭的全体法官 更详细进入...
    The paper introduces China's historical literature on the overseas and ethnic Chinese women in Malaya, including the accounts of overseas and ethnic Chinese women in Singapore and Malaya in the official archives, compilation of historical documents, newsp

    中文: 摘要文章介绍中国有关马来亚华侨华人妇女史料,即官方档案、史料汇编、报刊杂志、游记、考察报告中有关新马华侨华人妇女的记载。 更详细进入...
    Along river a tape belong to yellow bonus Rang with ceremony brown earth, suit planting paddy, corn, barnyard grass, millet, sorghum, peanut, rape and wheat , Qiao son, beans kind and potato kind.

    中文: 沿江一带属黄红壤和典棕壤,适宜种植水稻、玉米、稗子、小米、高粱、花生、油菜、小麦、荞子、豆类、薯类。 更详细进入...
    The President of the Supreme People's Court is the Chief Justice. Judges from the second grade to the twelfth grade are composed of associate justices, senior Judges and Judges.

    中文: 最高人民法院院长为首席大法官,二至十二级法官分为大法官、高级法官、法官。 更详细进入...

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