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The film Beauty and the Beast was released in 1991 and is the only animated film ever nominated for the Best Picture Academy Award.

The filler is developed on the basis of digesting and absorbing advanced technology introducing from abroad and is wity international advanced level. 本机是以引进、消化、吸收国外先进技术为基础,创新研制而成的一种具有先进水平的灌装设备,它主要用于汽水、可乐、汽酒、果味水等含气饮料的灌装。
The filler is the ideal choice for clrink factories of small and meddle size. 是中小型饮料厂的理想灌装设备。
The filling of this tooth cavity fell out. 这牙齿蛀洞的填补物掉出来了。
The fillings can be egg, meat, beans, chestnuts, mushrooms, etc. 馅料可以是蛋、肉、豆类、栗子、香菇等。
The film Harry potter and the phoenixwill be shown in British and America in july next year. 《哈利·波特与凤凰会的密令》将于明年7月在英国和美国上映。
The film Beauty and the Beast was released in 1991 and is the only animated film ever nominated for the Best Picture Academy Award. 电影《美女与野兽》于1991年面市,是影史上唯一一部提名奥斯卡“最佳影片奖”的动画电影。
The film Soylent Green, starring Charlton Heston, dramatized a future in which people would be stacked like cordwood and fed little squares that looked like tofu but weren't. 由却尔登希斯顿主演的「超世纪谍杀案」,更将未来描绘成一个人类会被当木材堆放、并被喂以豆腐状饲料的世界。
The film about eye operations turned my stomach. 这部眼科手术的影片看得我恶心极了。
The film about landmines is being shown around Afghanistan in mobile cinemas mounted on motorbikes. 阿富汗全国都在放映这部有关地雷的影片,该片是通过安装在轻型摩托车上的“流动”电影设备来播放的。
The film accompanies the men on their harrowing search, as they increasingly question their mission. 影片一直围绕着这队人悲惨的搜寻过程,他们对任务越来越怀疑。
The film aims to tell us the importance of suitable relationship among love,family and friendship through the fight between the remains of bourgeois ideology and socialistic thought. 通过资产阶级腐朽思想残余与社会主义思想在生活里的斗争,教育人们正确对待爱情、家庭与友谊。

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