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    Take it easy on Alex and don't scold him too much, said Mrs. Green to Mr. Green.

    中文: 对亚历克斯耐心点,别过于责骂他。格林太太向格林先生交代说。 更详细进入...
    The price we offer compares favourably with quotations you can get elsewhere.

    中文: 我方所报的价格与你从别处能获得的价格相比,是较为便宜的。 更详细进入...
    Waste not, want notis her favorite maxim.

    中文: “不浪费则不匮乏”是她特别喜爱的格言。 更详细进入...
    Don't expect that a low cost PC will do the job.

    中文: 别指望价格低廉的PC能胜任这项工作。 更详细进入...
    The price we offer compares favorably with quotations you can get elsewhere.

    中文: 我方所报的价格与你从别处能获得的价格相比,是较为便宜的。 更详细进入...
    The sending application uses JMS methods to create a message with the XML as its content, and add the message to a queue.

    中文: 发送程序使用JMS方法,用XML格式创建一条消息,并把这条消息添加到队列中。 更详细进入...
    The price we offer compares favourably with quotatio you can get elsewhere.

    中文: 我方所报的价格与你从别处能获得的价格相比,是较为便宜的。 更详细进入...
    The natural ventilated &hardwood structure tropical design concept, especially the timber roof structure worth a detail look.

    中文: 建筑物设计以亚热带通风与硬木结构为主设计风格.建筑物屋顶结构别具独特风格,值得一览. 更详细进入...
    Rubeus Hagrid: Best not to mention this to anyone.

    中文: 鲁伯·海格:最好别跟任何人提起这件事。 更详细进入...
    Through 41 years hard and persevering struggle and especially the fast development since 2001, the company has successfully stepped into the period of great development from the eliminating enterprise losses, extricating difficult position and survival-se

    中文: 经过四十一年的艰苦创业,特别是2001年以来的快速发展,公司已从扭亏脱困求生存阶段迈向改革创新大发展阶段。 更详细进入...
    Each European style villa put in the natural landscape exquisitely, constructs a world outside garden.

    中文: 一幢幢欧式风格的别墅精心摆放在自然山水间,构筑了世外桃园。 更详细进入...
    Mr Green told his family of the plan to write for a livelihood.

    中文: 格林先生告诉他的家人,他计划搞职业创作来谋生。 更详细进入...
    The date was chosen as the anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale, who is widely considered the founder of modern nursing.

    中文: 之所以选择5月12日是因为这一天是现代护士行业创始人南丁格尔的生日。 更详细进入...
    Now its charismatic co-founder, Steve Jobs, has transformed the corporate pitch.

    中文: 而极具人格魅力的公司创始人史蒂夫?乔布斯将公司提升到了一个新的高度。 更详细进入...
    WAITER: Our Presidential Chicken, was specially created for Ex-President Gerald Ford.

    中文: 服务员:我们的总统鸡是为前总统福特特别创制的。 更详细进入...
    I am responsible to make mege a top class company,and make mege employees rich and happy.to realize the target,focus on innovation is the right solution.

    中文: 作为米格公司的领导者,我有责任把米格公司发展成为一个一流的企业,让米格的员工过上富裕快乐的生活;实现这个目标,坚持不懈的技术创新是一个正确的道路. 更详细进入...
    Nevertheless, this creation cannot be understood from the absolute implication, because it aims at arousing other creative treatments and merging into the Gestalt of history.

    中文: 当然,这种创造不能从绝对的意义上去理解,因为它的目的是激发起其他一些创造,并同时被整合进历史的“格式塔”之中。 更详细进入...
    Her Movie Nickname: [My friends] don't go around calling me Hermione Granger. I am me.

    中文: 她的绰号:别老叫我赫敏格兰杰,我就是我! 更详细进入...
    Before 1994, price indices of means of agricultural production was a sub-category in the in the retail price indices of commodities, and it has been compiled separately since 1994.

    中文: 1994年以前,农业生产资料价格指数仅仅是商品零售价格指数的一个类别,此后,从商品零售价格指数中分离出来,单独编制。 更详细进入...
    Human form is a creator, a creator of one's own destiny.

    中文: 人类是一个创造者,一个自己命运的创造者。 更详细进入...

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