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    Further research suggested that MSG may also be responsible for ailments ranging from skin rashes to irregular heartbeat and depression.

    中文: 进一步研究则指出味精可能导致皮疹、心律不齐和忧郁等病症。 更详细进入...
    Being ignorant is not so much a shame,as being unwilling to learn.

    中文: 无知并不可耻,可耻的是不肯学习。 更详细进入...
    Harbor no ill intention against others, but never relax vigilance against evil-doers.

    中文: 害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无。 更详细进入...
    Poverty is not a sufficient cause of disgrace, but poverty without resolution to help oneself is a disgrace.

    中文: 贫穷并不可耻,穷而不争气才可耻。 更详细进入...
    You must not serve them or bow down to them.

    中文: 他们的神,你们不可提他的名,不可指着他起誓,也不可事奉,叩拜。 更详细进入...
    Will it be visible or invisible?

    中文: 可视还是不可视呢? 更详细进入...
    In the next several years there could be 10 different research groups working on the project. This changeability will allow us to advance technology continuously.

    中文: 在今后几年中可能会有十个不同的研究小组从事该项目的工作。这一可变性将会使我们不断地推进技术发展。 更详细进入...
    Better to wear out than to rust out.

    中文: 宁可用坏,不可锈坏。 更详细进入...
    Better ask the way than go astray.

    中文: 宁可问路,不可迷路。 更详细进入...
    Advance in Transgenic Edible Vaccine

    中文: 转基因可食疫苗研究策略与研究进展 更详细进入...
    Interlanguage can be approached from several points of view, such as pragmatics, second language learning and sociolinguistics.

    中文: 摘要当前对语际语的研究可谓五花八门,对于其归属问题,不同学派有不同的观点。 更详细进入...
    Current concepts on absorbable and partially absorbable materials

    中文: 可吸收及部分可吸收材料的研究进展 更详细进入...
    Forbear to cry, make no mourning for the dead, bind the tire of thine head upon thee, and put on thy shoes upon thy feet, and cover not thy lips, and eat not the bread of men.

    中文: 结24:17只可叹息、不可出声、不可办理丧事.头上仍勒裹头巾、脚上仍穿鞋、不可蒙著嘴唇、也不可吃吊丧的食物。 更详细进入...
    Advances in biodegradable and bioabsorbable bone-repaired materials

    中文: 可降解及可吸收性骨科材料研究进展 更详细进入...
    Lacking a sense of responsibility; unreliable or untrustworthy.

    中文: 不可靠的缺乏责任心;不可靠或不值得信赖的 更详细进入...
    Murphy: Do not kill. Do not rape. Do not steal. These are principles which every man of every faith can embrace.

    中文: 墨菲:不可杀人,不可强奸,不可偷窃。这是不同信仰的人应该遵守的共同准则。 更详细进入...
    Don't bet on it.

    中文: 不可能。 更详细进入...
    If we pay no attention on respecting and researching on these folk-custom factors, it will lead to low efficiency and uncontained purpose of agricultural popularization projects directly.

    中文: 不注意尊重和研究民俗因素的影响,将直接导致农业推广项目的低效和不可持续。 更详细进入...
    Ye shall offer no strange incense thereon, nor burnt sacrifice, nor meat offering; neither shall ye pour drink offering thereon.

    中文: 9在这坛上不可奉上异样的香,不可献燔祭,素祭,也不可浇上奠祭。 更详细进入...
    Ted: I'm thirsty. Can I have a coke?

    中文: 泰德:我口渴。可不可以喝可乐? 更详细进入...

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