You must not profess with your lips that which is not in your heart.
让这些成为你的指南,成为从爱与智慧来的磨炼。 |
You must not reason from false premises.
你不可以根据错误的前途来来推论。 |
You must not restrain them of their liberty.
你不可以约束他们的自由。 |
You must not scam or deceive other players.
你不能设骗局或欺骗其他的玩家。 |
You must not see life in terms of money.
你不可用金钱的观点来看人生。 |
You must not serve them or bow down to them.
他们的神,你们不可提他的名,不可指着他起誓,也不可事奉,叩拜。 |
You must not smoke in this carriage.
你不可在这部车内抽烟。 |
You must not take the book out of the classroom.
你不能把这本书拿出教室。 |
You must not tease your little sister.
你不应该取笑你的小妹妹。 |
You must not use any language used which is offensive, racist or obscene.
你不能使用任何的语言攻势他人,有民族差别主义者或猥亵的语言都是违反规则的。 |
You must notice that there is no </BR> tag.
你一定注意到了没有</BR>那样的标签. |