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Better to wear out than to rust out.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. 宁可保持沉默,即使这样会让人觉得自己是个傻瓜,也不要出声说话,让别人因此对你不再有疑虑。
Better to squelch the speculators by choosing a substantially stronger yuan early on. 早些选择充分强势人民币政策会更有助于压制投机行为。
Better to try something more modest: a code of responsible conduct between existing space powers that emerging ones could also sign up to. 应采取更温和的方式:现有的和准备加入空间权力国家要履行负责的行动准则。
Better to understand turbo structure and CTT drawing process/standard. 了解增压器结构及CTT图纸流程更佳。
Better to wear out than rust out. 【谚】与其锈坏,不如用坏。
Better to wear out than to rust out. 宁可用坏,不可锈坏。
Better to welcome the new workers now, rather than imposing restrictions that most EU members (even Britain) are now planning in a bid to appease the populist press. 欢迎而不是限制新劳力,对那些时下为了平息来自民粹主义者压力的大多数欧盟成员(甚至包括英国)来说会更好的。
Better understand ratios based on stockholders' equity. 进一步理解基于股东权益的财务比率。
Better understanding of mechanical drawing is preferred. 良好的机械图纸阅读能力优先.
Better understanding of the immunological mechanisms implying the insemination and the infertility of some men and women is needed and crucial to the development of an effective immunocontraceptive method. 更好地理解隐含在受精和某些男女不孕中的免疫学机制对于开发有效的免疫避孕方法是必须而且是至关重要的。
Better untaught than ill taught. 宁愿没有受过教育也不受坏的教育。

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