Did you know that one simple little trick, when searching from a search engine, can narrow your results in an amazing incredible way.
中文: 你可知道,一个简单的小动作,从搜寻引擎搜寻时,你可以缩小一个了不起的成绩让人不可思议. 更详细进入...
Making use of good navigation standards on your website will make it incredibly more usable.
中文: 好好善用一个标准的导览机制可以让你的网站达到不可思议的提升可使用度的效果。 更详细进入...
In addition to the impressiveness of the settings, there is a use of the camera which at times seems magical.
中文: 除了布景的感染力外,摄影机的使用技巧有时显出不可思议的效果。 更详细进入...
On the one hand, for young monkeys, from amazing things playful activities are absent.
中文: 2不可思议的是幼猿缺少游戏行为,好像游戏纯属成年猿猴的特权。 更详细进入...
It was like Jay was playing a magical pipe, and the crowd had fallen under his spell.
中文: 当时就好像杰伦在演奏着不可思议的管乐,大家都被他的魅力倾倒。 更详细进入...
As I grew older and older, I was getting ridiculously rebellious and didn't like to listen to him.
中文: 随着一天天长大,我不愿听父亲的话,成了一个很难管教的孩子,真是不可思议。 更详细进入...
The Canadian foreign-policy establishment, in tune with the previous Liberal government, likes to make much of the country's mission to help Africa.
中文: 所以此次访问哥伦比亚而不是墨西哥或巴西可谓是趟大胆之行,甚至在有人看来不可思议。 更详细进入...
The Rhine has fostered many great musicians and thinkers.In that case,we can say that the Rhine is a respected and mysterious river.
中文: 莱茵河数百年来为德国陶养了许多知名的思想家与音乐家,真是一条令人尊敬、不可思议的河。 更详细进入...
Riddle of the Polar Sky takes us on a journey to the top of the world to better understand the mystery of the magical visual spectacle.
中文: 带领我们走向世界之巅,去更好的认识那不可思议的光学景观的奥秘。 更详细进入...
The large majority of Syrians regard their country's involvement in Hariri's death unthinkable.
中文: 绝大多数叙利亚人把他们国家与哈里里之死有干系看作是不可思议的。 更详细进入...
The pastrami was incredible, the guy in front of me was moaning with each bite.
中文: 熏牛肉真的好吃到不可思议,我前面的家伙每吃一口都发出满足的呻吟。 更详细进入...
And while, unbelievably, he still wants to drive race cars, he said he won't go back on the track until he has completely healed from the accident.
中文: 令人不可思议的是他仍然念念不忘赛车,他说自己直到完全康复才会重返赛车场。 更详细进入...
Christina: That's out of this world. I wonder if it's some sort of scam, or if they had been having a secret affair.
中文: 克莉丝汀娜︰太不可思议了。我怀疑这是个骗局,或是他们有什麽地下恋情。 更详细进入...
The nature of the EU's tortuous decision-making makes that very notion inconceivable.
中文: 欧盟制定决策的曲折性正表明了该想法(某方观点的消失)是不可思议的。 更详细进入...
That's an interesting suggestion.
中文: 这个建议很有意思。 更详细进入...
At first, I thought her ideas were crazy, but on reflection, I realize there was some truth in what she said.
中文: 起先,我认为她的想法不可思议,但细想起来,我意识到她说的话有一些道理. 更详细进入...
More so than any other character in the Star Wars milieu, Anakin is a puzzle, an enigma.
中文: 相较于《星球大战》中其他任何角色,阿纳金是一个谜,是一个不可思议的存在。 更详细进入...
Her suggestion deserves a deep consideration.
中文: 她的建议值得深思。 更详细进入...
The composite grips extend bearing life, while working with the innovative two-stage dampening to give the N9 incredible flight characteristics.
中文: 综合枪柄轴承延长寿命,同时与创意两阶段调高给n9不可思议的飞行特性. 更详细进入...
Giving him MAD PROPS saying he could never score 81 and what Kobe did was AMAZING.
中文: 暂时没有直接谈话的资料,但球迷从采访中听到,雷吉米勒说他自己不可能得81分,科比太不可思议了。 更详细进入...