Then I see it again in the edge of breakdown…my long-time no see, dearly familiar smell and characters…the fresh red rose in the darkness, with my blood still on its sting.
中文: 然而,就在即将崩溃的边缘,我再次见到了她…悠远的,我所心爱所熟悉的味道和美丽…那黑暗中一点刺目的鲜艳的红色玫瑰花,上面似乎还沾着我儿时的鲜血。) 更详细进入...
Seasonal variation of copepoda and cladocera communities in subtropic karst reservoir——Case in the Hongfeng,the Baihua and the Aha lakes
中文: 亚热带喀斯特水库桡足类和枝角类动物群落季节变化——以贵州红枫湖、百花湖、阿哈水库为例 更详细进入...
In the days of this Lion, gold shall be squeezed from the lily-fower and the nettle, and silver shall flow from the hooves of lowing cattle.
中文: 在这头狮子的日子里,黄金会从百合花和荨麻处挤榨出来,白银会从发出鸣声的牛的蹄流出。 更详细进入...
A garland of flowers, especially one worn around the neck.
中文: 花环,花冠用鲜花制成的花环,尤指戴在脖子上的花环 更详细进入...
The other song is by Chow Shuen and Lee Ah Pang.
中文: 未录完的两首歌一首由周迅和李亚鹏演唱,另一首原定由梅艳芳演唱。 更详细进入...
Mauck built his web spinner for less than $100, using materials from a DIY home repair store and a secondhand motor.
中文: 莫克用自助式居家修缮用品店买来的材料及一台二手马达做了织网机,花费不到一百美元。 更详细进入...
The investment company institute says the average yearly costs of [a] mutual fund is a little over one percent of the amount invested, and costs continue to drop.
中文: 而投资公司协会称一笔共有基金的年平均花费只占投资额的百分之一多点,且呈下降趋势。 更详细进入...
A struggle for superiority or victory between rivals.
中文: 竞争竞争者之间为取得优势或胜利而进行的争夺 更详细进入...
This center persisted the literary arts serve for the people, serves the direction for the socialism and all flowers blooms together, hundred school of thought contends the policy, widely unites the entrepreneur and the social people from all walks of lif
中文: 本中心坚持文艺为人民服务,为社会主义服务的方向和“百花齐放,百家争鸣”的方针,广泛团结海内外文艺家、作家及热心支持中国文化艺术事业的企业家及社会各界人士,共同繁荣和发展中国的文化艺术事业,为建设有中国特色的社会主义先进文化做出应有贡献。 更详细进入...
But the tourism and construction boom has led to a chaotic surge of migrant workers, swelling its population by 30 percent in six years to nearly 60,000.
中文: 但观光和营建业兴盛,使外来民工争先恐后涌入,当地人口在短短六年内激增百分之卅,已逼近六万人。 更详细进入...
I'm a hundred percent sure.
中文: 我敢百分之百地肯定。[我完全确信。 更详细进入...
[KJV] Unto an hundred talents of silver, and to an hundred measures of wheat, and to an hundred baths of wine, and to an hundred baths of oil, and salt without prescribing how much.
中文: 他可以要银子三千四百公斤,麦子一百公斤,酒二千二百公升,油二千二百公升,盐却不受限制。 更详细进入...
When Chinese cheongsams were exhibited for sales in countries like Japan and France, they received warm welcome from local women, who did not hesitate to buy Chinese cheongsams especially those top-notch ones made of black velour interlined with or carved
中文: 当中国旗袍在日本、法国等地展销时,很受当地妇女人士欢迎,她们不借重金,争购旗袍,特别是黑丝绒夹金花、篓金花的高档旗袍,最为抢手。 更详细进入...
Competition for the nomination was very keen.
中文: 争取提名的竞争非常激烈。 更详细进入...
All audience gave her an standing ovation and sang together with her [Moon represents my heart] as the closing song of Anita Mui's concert in Singapore.
中文: 梅艳芳演唱会压轴超热,数千名观众站起来,为她演唱《月亮代表我的心》! 更详细进入...
Chrysanthemums You are easygoing and casual.You prefer a barbecue to a sit-down dinner.
中文: 如果你喜欢菊花,你是个随和、随意的人。比起正经八百地坐下来吃饭,你更喜欢在户外来个烧烤。 更详细进入...
Roses, chrysanthemums, orchids, cockscombs and so on.
中文: 玫瑰、菊花、兰花、鸡冠花等等。 更详细进入...
He was once tested to hit the willow leaves in a hundred paces away, and hit the target one hundred times without a single miss.
中文: 2养由基在离开柳树一百步的地方射柳叶,射一百次,一百次射中。 更详细进入...
PepsiCo brands are available in nearly 200 countries and territories including Pepsi-cola, Pepsi-light, Pepsi-twist, 7up,Mirinda and Gatorade.
中文: 百事可乐公司的系列产品包括百事可乐、百事轻怡、百事清柠、七喜、美年达、佳得乐等多个著名品牌。 更详细进入...
By shipping hordes of ordinary people around the globe for not very much money, they have improved the lives of millions.
中文: 而大批大批的乘客坐船旅行遍布于全球四大洋而且花费不多,更是为数百万人的生活造福了。 更详细进入...