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    [NIV] Whoever is captured will be thrust through; all who are caught will fall by the sword.

    中文: 凡被仇敌追上的,必被刺死;凡被捉住的,必被刀杀。 更详细进入...
    It is heroic to hug one's sorrow and determine not to be consoled.

    中文: 把自己的忧伤抱紧,决不受人安慰,是英勇的。 更详细进入...
    My English is poor. I'm sory I can't introduce theimage to the viewers.

    中文: 我英语不太好,抱歉,没法详细介绍这张图片。 更详细进入...
    remember this:no pains no gains.

    中文: 别总是抱怨个不停, 记住:一分耕耘, 一分收获. 更详细进入...
    Karyotype Asymmetry of Aspidistra(Convallarieae,Ruscaceae)

    中文: 蜘蛛抱蛋属植物的核型不对称性分析(英文) 更详细进入...
    Rather than grumbling over not being able to live forever, why not make a good journey out of this life.

    中文: 与其抱怨不能令自己长生不死,倒不如好好令生命之旅程不枉一走。 更详细进入...
    But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.

    中文: 33凡在人面前不认我的,我在我天上的父面前,也必不认他。 更详细进入...
    He wanted his work to make a difference, and it did.

    中文: 他希望自己的作品与众不同,并且他真的做到了不同凡响。 更详细进入...
    Aspidistra connata H.-J.Tillich,a newly recorded species of Aspidistra(Ruscaceae) from China

    中文: 中国蜘蛛抱蛋属一新记录种——合瓣蜘蛛抱蛋 更详细进入...
    The English were in no mood to spare the feelings of an upstart people who had committed the cardinal sin of ingratitude.

    中文: 英国人决不愿饶恕那些不知情道谢的自命不凡的家伙们的感受。 更详细进入...
    She was holding the baby in her arms.

    中文: 她抱著婴儿. 更详细进入...
    He will be greater to posterity if he have be willing to be less great.

    中文: 如果他不自命不凡,那么对子孙后代来说,他就会更加伟大。 更详细进入...
    A fond embrace.

    中文: 深情的拥抱 更详细进入...
    Jn. 15:2 Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes it away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it that it may bear more fruit.

    中文: 约十五2凡在我里面不结果子的枝子,他就剪去;凡结果子的,他就修理乾净,使枝子结果子更多。 更详细进入...
    Your old lives, your mortal desires, mean nothing.

    中文: 你那衰老的生命,你那凡人的渴望,什么都不是! 更详细进入...
    Rachel: (on phone) Daddy, I just... I can't marry him! I'm sorry. I just don't love him. Well, it matters to me!

    中文: 瑞秋:(打电话)爸爸,我不能嫁给他!抱歉。我不爱他,但我在意! 更详细进入...
    But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.

    中文: 33凡在人面前不认我的,我在我天上的父面前,也必不认他。 更详细进入...
    There is a limit to everything.

    中文: 凡事皆有限度. 更详细进入...
    There should always be exceptions to the rule.

    中文: 凡事总有例外。 更详细进入...
    But that does not mean that over-borrowed Britons can sit back with a sigh of relief (see article).

    中文: 但是这并不意味着过度负债的英国人可以坐下来如释重负。 更详细进入...

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